Implementation of SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() and
This commit is contained in:
@ -819,6 +819,7 @@
@ stub Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory
@ stdcall TransactNamedPipe(long ptr long ptr long ptr ptr) TransactNamedPipe
@ stdcall TransmitCommChar(long long) TransmitCommChar
@ stdcall TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(ptr ptr ptr) TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime
@ stdcall UTRegister(long str str str ptr ptr ptr) UTRegister
@ stdcall UTUnRegister(long) UTUnRegister
@ stdcall UnMapLS(long) UnMapLS
@ -165,6 +165,181 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetTimeZoneInformation(
* _DayLightCompareDate
* Compares two dates without looking at the year
* -1 if date < compareDate
* 0 if date == compareDate
* 1 if date > compareDate
* -2 if an error occures
static int _DayLightCompareDate(
const LPSYSTEMTIME date, /* [in] The date to compare. */
const LPSYSTEMTIME compareDate) /* [in] The daylight saving begin or end date */
int limit_day;
if (compareDate->wYear != 0)
if (date->wMonth < compareDate->wMonth)
return -1; /* We are in a year before the date limit. */
if (date->wMonth > compareDate->wMonth)
return 1; /* We are in a year after the date limit. */
if (date->wMonth < compareDate->wMonth)
return -1; /* We are in a month before the date limit. */
if (date->wMonth > compareDate->wMonth)
return 1; /* We are in a month after the date limit. */
if (compareDate->wDayOfWeek <= 6)
FILETIME tmp_ft;
/* compareDate->wDay is interpreted as number of the week in the month. */
/* 5 means: the last week in the month */
int weekofmonth = compareDate->wDay;
/* calculate day of week for the first day in the month */
memcpy(&tmp, date, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
tmp.wDay = 1;
tmp.wDayOfWeek = -1;
if (weekofmonth == 5)
/* Go to the beginning of the next month. */
if (++tmp.wMonth > 12)
tmp.wMonth = 1;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&tmp, &tmp_ft))
return -2;
if (weekofmonth == 5)
LONGLONG t, one_day;
t = tmp_ft.dwHighDateTime;
t <<= 32;
t += (UINT)tmp_ft.dwLowDateTime;
/* substract one day */
one_day = 24*60*60;
one_day *= 10000000;
t -= one_day;
tmp_ft.dwLowDateTime = (UINT)t;
tmp_ft.dwHighDateTime = (UINT)(t >> 32);
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&tmp_ft, &tmp))
return -2;
if (weekofmonth == 5)
/* calculate the last matching day of the week in this month */
int dif = tmp.wDayOfWeek - compareDate->wDayOfWeek;
if (dif < 0)
dif += 7;
limit_day = tmp.wDay - dif;
/* calulcate the matching day of the week in the given week */
int dif = compareDate->wDayOfWeek - tmp.wDayOfWeek;
if (dif < 0)
dif += 7;
limit_day = tmp.wDay + 7*(weekofmonth-1) + dif;
limit_day = compareDate->wDay;
if (date->wDay < limit_day)
return -1;
if (date->wDay > limit_day)
return 1;
return 0; /* date is equal to the date limit. */
* _GetTimezoneBias
* Calculates the local time bias for a given time zone
* Returns TRUE when the time zone bias was calculated.
static BOOL _GetTimezoneBias(
const LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, /* [in] The time zone data. */
LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime, /* [in] The system time. */
LONG* pBias) /* [out] The calulated bias in minutes */
int ret;
BOOL beforedaylightsaving, afterdaylightsaving;
BOOL daylightsaving = FALSE;
LONG bias = lpTimeZoneInformation->Bias;
if (lpTimeZoneInformation->DaylightDate.wMonth != 0)
if (lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardDate.wMonth == 0 ||
lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardDate.wDay<1 ||
lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardDate.wDay>5 ||
lpTimeZoneInformation->DaylightDate.wDay<1 ||
return FALSE;
/* check for daylight saving */
ret = _DayLightCompareDate(lpSystemTime, &lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardDate);
if (ret == -2)
return FALSE;
beforedaylightsaving = ret < 0;
_DayLightCompareDate(lpSystemTime, &lpTimeZoneInformation->DaylightDate);
if (ret == -2)
return FALSE;
afterdaylightsaving = ret >= 0;
if (!beforedaylightsaving && !afterdaylightsaving)
daylightsaving = TRUE;
if (daylightsaving)
bias += lpTimeZoneInformation->DaylightBias;
else if (lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardDate.wMonth != 0)
bias += lpTimeZoneInformation->StandardBias;
*pBias = bias;
return TRUE;
* SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime (KERNEL32.@)
@ -173,22 +348,102 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetTimeZoneInformation(
* Returns true when the local time was calculated.
* Returns TRUE when the local time was calculated.
* Does not handle daylight savings time adjustments correctly.
BOOL WINAPI SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(
LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, /* [in] The desired time zone. */
LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime, /* [in] The utc time to base local time on. */
LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime) /* [out] The local time in the time zone. */
LONG lBias;
LONGLONG t, bias;
if (lpTimeZoneInformation != NULL)
memcpy(&tzinfo, lpTimeZoneInformation, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo) == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
return FALSE;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(lpUniversalTime, &ft))
return FALSE;
t = ft.dwHighDateTime;
t <<= 32;
t += (UINT)ft.dwLowDateTime;
if (!_GetTimezoneBias(&tzinfo, lpUniversalTime, &lBias))
return FALSE;
bias = lBias * 600000000; /* 60 seconds per minute, 100000 [100-nanoseconds-ticks] per second */
t += bias;
ft.dwLowDateTime = (UINT)t;
ft.dwHighDateTime = (UINT)(t >> 32);
return FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, lpLocalTime);
* TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime (KERNEL32.@)
* Converts a local time to a time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
* Returns TRUE when the utc time was calculated.
BOOL WINAPI TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(
LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, /* [in] The desired time zone. */
LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime, /* [in] The local time. */
LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime) /* [out] The calculated utc time. */
LONG lBias;
LONGLONG t, bias;
if (lpTimeZoneInformation != NULL)
memcpy(&tzinfo, lpTimeZoneInformation, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo) == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID)
return FALSE;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(lpLocalTime, &ft))
return FALSE;
t = ft.dwHighDateTime;
t <<= 32;
t += (UINT)ft.dwLowDateTime;
if (!_GetTimezoneBias(&tzinfo, lpUniversalTime, &lBias))
return FALSE;
bias = lBias * 600000000; /* 60 seconds per minute, 100000 [100-nanoseconds-ticks] per second */
t -= bias;
ft.dwLowDateTime = (UINT)t;
ft.dwHighDateTime = (UINT)(t >> 32);
return FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, lpUniversalTime);
* GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (KERNEL32.@)
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