ole32: Call SetWindowOrgEx and SetWindowExtEx in OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel so that the created metafile scales correctly.

Centre the icon and the label.
This commit is contained in:
Rob Shearman 2006-12-01 15:04:41 +00:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 587ba29174
commit 09376ea1f5
1 changed files with 27 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -40,10 +40,15 @@ HGLOBAL WINAPI OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel(HICON hIcon, LPOLESTR lpszLabel,
HDC hdc;
UINT dy;
LPVOID mfdata;
static const char szIconOnly[] = "IconOnly";
SIZE text_size = { 0, 0 };
INT width;
INT icon_width;
INT icon_height;
INT label_offset;
HDC hdcScreen;
TRACE("%p %p %s %d\n", hIcon, lpszLabel, debugstr_w(lpszSourceFile), iIconIndex);
@ -56,11 +61,28 @@ HGLOBAL WINAPI OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel(HICON hIcon, LPOLESTR lpszLabel,
ExtEscape(hdc, MFCOMMENT, sizeof(szIconOnly), szIconOnly, 0, NULL);
/* FIXME: things are drawn in the wrong place */
DrawIcon(hdc, 0, 0, hIcon);
dy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
icon_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
icon_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
/* FIXME: should we give the label a bit of padding here? */
label_offset = icon_height;
if (lpszLabel)
TextOutW(hdc, 0, dy, lpszLabel, lstrlenW(lpszLabel));
/* metafile DCs don't support GetTextExtentPoint32, so size the font
* using the desktop window DC */
hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(hdcScreen, lpszLabel, lstrlenW(lpszLabel), &text_size);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen);
width = max(text_size.cx, icon_width);
SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
SetWindowExtEx(hdc, width, label_offset + text_size.cy, NULL);
/* draw the icon centred */
DrawIcon(hdc, (width-icon_width) / 2, 0, hIcon);
/* draw the label centred too, if provided */
TextOutW(hdc, (width-text_size.cx) / 2, label_offset, lpszLabel, lstrlenW(lpszLabel));
if (lpszSourceFile)