2010-02-16 20:42:18 +01:00
echo Tests for cmd's builtin commands
2010-02-09 19:11:15 +01:00
2010-11-05 22:15:45 +01:00
@ echo on
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] --------------
echo word
echo 'singlequotedword'
echo " doublequotedword "
@ echo at-echoed-word
echo " /? "
echo .
echo .
echo .word
echo .word
2011-07-28 01:06:46 +02:00
echo :
echo :
echo :word
echo :word
2010-11-05 22:15:45 +01:00
echo word@space@
echo word@space@@space@
@ echo off
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] --------------
2010-02-09 19:11:15 +01:00
echo word
echo 'singlequotedword'
echo " doublequotedword "
@ echo at-echoed-word
echo " /? "
echo .
echo .
2010-09-08 00:59:43 +02:00
echo .word
echo .word
2011-07-28 01:06:46 +02:00
echo :
echo :
echo :word
echo :word
2010-11-05 22:15:45 +01:00
echo word@space@
echo word@space@@space@
2010-02-16 21:25:41 +01:00
2011-07-26 21:32:07 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing redirection operators --------------
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo ...stdout redirection
echo foo> foo
type foo
echo foo 1 > foo
type foo
echo foo1> foo
type foo
echo foo11> foo
type foo
echo foo12> foo
type foo
echo ...stdout appending
echo foo> foo
echo foo >> foo
type foo
del foo
echo foob >> foo
type foo
echo fooc 1 >> foo
type foo
echo food1>> foo
type foo
echo food2>> foo
type foo
del foo
echo food21>> foo
type foo
cd ..
rd /s/q foobar
2011-07-23 20:13:50 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing ^^ escape character --------------
rem Using something like "echo foo^" asks for an additional char after a "More?" prompt on the following line; it's not possible to currently test that non-interactively
echo ^h ell^o , world
echo hell^o , world
echo hell^^ o, world
echo hell^^ ^o , world
mkdir foobar
echo baz> foobar\baz
type foobar\baz
type foobar^\ baz
rd /s/q foobar
echo foo ^| echo bar
echo foo ^& echo bar
call : setError 0
echo bak ^& & echo baz 2 > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
echo foo ^> foo
echo ^< > foo
type foo
del foo
set FOO = oof
echo ff^% FOO%
set FOO = bar ^| baz
set FOO
rem FIXME: echoing %FOO% gives an error (baz not recognized) but prematurely
rem exits the script on windows; redirecting stdout and/or stderr doesn't help
2011-07-17 22:48:56 +02:00
echo %ErrorLevel%
2011-07-23 20:13:50 +02:00
call : setError 0
set FOO = bar ^^ ^| baz
set FOO
echo %FOO%
echo %ErrorLevel%
set FOO =
echo ------------ Testing 'set' --------------
call : setError 0
2011-07-17 22:48:56 +02:00
set FOOBAR 2 > nul > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
set FOOBAR = baz
echo %ErrorLevel%
echo %FOOBAR% FOOBAR not defined
echo %FOOBAR %
set FOOBAR 2 > nul
set FOOBAR = baz2
echo %ErrorLevel%
echo %fOObAr %
set FOOBAR = bar
echo %ErrorLevel%
echo %FOOBAR%
set FOO
set FOOBAR =
set FOOB
echo %FOOBAR% FOOBAR not defined
set FOOBAR =
set FOOBA 2 > nul > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
set FOO = bar
echo %FOO%
set FOO = foo
set BAR = bar
echo %FOO% %BAR%
set BAR =
set FOO =
set FOO = %FOO%
echo %FOO% FOO not defined
set BAZ % = bazbaz
set BA
echo %BAZ% %
set BAZ % =
2010-02-16 21:25:41 +01:00
echo set " FOO=bar " should not include the quotes in the variable value
set " FOO=bar "
echo %FOO%
2011-07-17 22:48:56 +02:00
set FOO =
2010-02-16 21:44:16 +01:00
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion --------------
2011-07-17 22:48:56 +02:00
call : setError 0
2010-02-16 21:44:16 +01:00
echo ~dp0 should be directory containing batch file
echo %~dp0
mkdir dummydir
cd dummydir
echo %~dp0
cd ..
rmdir dummydir
2010-03-18 01:28:19 +01:00
echo CD value %CD%
2010-03-09 13:15:35 +01:00
echo %%
echo P%
echo %P
echo %UNKNOWN% S
2010-03-16 10:54:26 +01:00
2010-03-09 13:15:35 +01:00
echo %ERRORLEVEL% %%
2010-02-18 08:11:04 +01:00
2011-07-23 15:34:20 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing conditional execution --------------
echo ...unconditional ^&
call : setError 123 & echo foo1
echo bar2 & echo foo2
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo > foobazbar
cd .. & rd /s/q foobar
if exist foobazbar (
echo foobar not deleted!
cd ..
rd /s/q foobar
) else echo foobar deleted
2011-07-23 15:34:21 +02:00
echo ...on success conditional ^& ^&
call : setError 456 && echo foo3 > foo3
if exist foo3 (
echo foo3 created
del foo3
) else echo foo3 not created
echo bar4 && echo foo4
2011-07-23 15:34:22 +02:00
echo ...on failure conditional ^| ^|
call : setError 789 || echo foo5
echo foo6 || echo bar6 > bar6
if exist bar6 (
echo bar6 created
del bar6
2011-07-23 15:34:20 +02:00
2011-07-14 20:07:14 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing type ------------
echo bar> foobaz
@ echo on
type foobaz
echo ***
@ echo off
type foobaz
echo ***
del foobaz
2011-07-19 09:49:24 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing NUL ------------
2011-07-23 15:34:20 +02:00
md foobar & cd foobar
2011-07-19 09:49:24 +02:00
rem NUL file (non) creation + case insensitivity
rem Note: "if exist" does not work with NUL, so to check for file existence we use a kludgy workaround
echo > bar
echo foo > NUL
dir /b /a-d
echo foo > nul
dir /b /a-d
echo foo > NuL
dir /b /a-d
del bar
rem NUL not special everywhere
call : setError 123
echo NUL> foo
if not exist foo ( echo foo should have been created) else (
type foo
del foo
rem Empty file creation
copy nul foo > nul
if exist foo (
echo foo created
del foo
type foo
) else (
echo ***
cd ..
rd foobar
2010-02-18 08:11:04 +01:00
echo ------------ Testing if/else --------------
echo if/else should work with blocks
if 0 == 0 (
echo if seems to work
) else (
echo if seems to be broken
if 1 == 0 (
echo else seems to be broken
) else (
echo else seems to work
2011-07-11 23:07:03 +02:00
if /c== /c (
echo if seems not to detect /c as parameter
) else (
echo parameter detection seems to be broken
2010-02-19 06:39:32 +01:00
echo Testing case sensitivity with and without /i option
if bar== BAR echo if does not default to case sensitivity
if not bar== BAR echo if seems to default to case sensitivity
if /i foo== FOO echo if /i seems to work
if /i not foo== FOO echo if /i seems to be broken
if /I foo== FOO echo if /I seems to work
if /I not foo== FOO echo if /I seems to be broken
2010-03-24 04:45:49 +01:00
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
echo -----------Testing for -----------
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
echo ...plain FOR
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
for %% i in ( A B C) do echo %% i
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
for %% i in ( A B C) do echo %% I
for %% i in ( A B C) do echo %% j
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
for %% i in ( A B C) do call : forTestFun1 %% i
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
for %% i in ( 1,4,1) do echo %% i
for %% i in ( A, B,C) do echo %% i
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
goto : endForTestFun1
: forTestFun1
echo %1
goto : eof
: endForTestFun1
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
echo ...imbricated FORs
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
for %% i in ( X) do (
for %% j in ( Y) do (
2011-07-28 01:06:45 +02:00
echo %% i %% j))
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
for %% i in ( X) do (
for %% I in ( Y) do (
echo %% i %% I))
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
for %% i in ( A B) do (
for %% j in ( C D) do (
2011-07-28 01:06:45 +02:00
echo %% i %% j))
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
for %% i in ( A B) do (
for %% j in ( C D) do (
call : forTestFun2 %% i %% j ))
goto : endForTestFun2
: forTestFun2
echo %1 %2
goto : eof
: endForTestFun2
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
mkdir foo
mkdir bar
mkdir baz
echo > bazbaz
echo ...basic wildcards
for %% i in ( ba*) do echo %% i
2011-07-29 13:59:50 +02:00
echo ...for /d
for /d %% i in ( baz foo bar) do echo %% i
rem FIXME for /d incorrectly parses when wildcards are used
rem for /d %%i in (bazb*) do echo %%i
rem FIXME can't test wildcard expansion here since it's listed in directory
rem order, and not in alphabetic order.
rem Proper testing would need a currently missing "sort" program implementation.
rem for /d %%i in (ba*) do echo %%i>> tmp
rem sort < tmp
rem del tmp
rem for /d %%i in (?a*) do echo %%i>> tmp
rem sort < tmp
rem del tmp
rem for /d %%i in (*) do echo %%i>> tmp
rem sort < tmp
rem del tmp
2011-07-28 01:06:48 +02:00
cd ..
rd /s/Q foobar
2011-07-29 13:59:52 +02:00
echo ...for /L
rem Some cases loop forever writing 0s, like e.g. (1,0,1), (1,a,3) or (a,b,c); those can't be tested here
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,2 ,0 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,2 ,6 ) do echo %% i
for /l %% i in ( 1 ,2 ,6 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( a,2 ,3 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,2 ,-1 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( -4 ,-1 ,-1 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,-2 ,-2 ) do echo %% i
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,2 ,a) do echo %% i
echo ErrorLevel %ErrorLevel%
for /L %% i in ( 1 ,a,b) do echo %% i
echo ErrorLevel %ErrorLevel%
rem FIXME: following test cases cannot be currently tested due to an inconsistent/buggy 'for /L' parsing.
rem for /L %%i in (a,2,b) do echo %%i
rem for /L %%i in (1,1,1) do echo %%i
rem for /L %%i in (1,-2,-1) do echo %%i
rem for /L %%i in (-1,-1,-1) do echo %%i
rem for /L %%i in (1,2, 3) do echo %%i
2011-07-11 23:34:05 +02:00
2011-05-22 17:27:38 +02:00
echo -----------Testing del /a-----------
del /f/q *.test > nul
echo r > r.test
attrib +r r.test
echo not-r > not-r.test
if not exist not-r.test echo not-r.test not found before delete, bad
del /a:-r *.test
if not exist not-r.test echo not-r.test not found after delete, good
if not exist r.test echo r.test not found before delete, bad
if exist r.test echo r.test found before delete, good
del /a:r *.test
if not exist r.test echo r.test not found after delete, good
if exist r.test echo r.test found after delete, bad
2011-05-30 05:19:00 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing del /q --------------
mkdir del_q_dir
cd del_q_dir
echo abc > file1
echo abc > file2.dat
rem If /q doesn't work, cmd will prompt and the test case should hang
del /q * > nul
for %% a in ( 1 2.dat) do if exist file%% a echo del /q * failed on file%% a
for %% a in ( 1 2.dat) do if not exist file%% a echo del /q * succeeded on file%% a
cd ..
rmdir del_q_dir
2011-06-02 04:12:56 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing del /s --------------
mkdir " foo bar "
cd " foo bar "
echo hi > file1.dat
echo there > file2.dat
echo bub > file3.dat
echo bye > " file with spaces.dat "
cd ..
del /s file1.dat > nul
del file2.dat /s > nul
del " file3.dat " /s > nul
del " file with spaces.dat " /s > nul
cd " foo bar "
for %% f in ( 1 2 3) do if exist file%% f.dat echo Del /s failed on file%% f
for %% f in ( 1 2 3) do if exist file%% f.dat del file%% f.dat
if exist " file with spaces.dat " echo Del /s failed on " file with spaces.dat "
if exist " file with spaces.dat " del " file with spaces.dat "
cd ..
rmdir " foo bar "
2011-07-11 23:34:06 +02:00
echo ----------- Testing mkdir -----------
call : setError 0
rem md and mkdir are synonymous
mkdir foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
rmdir foobar
md foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
rmdir foobar
rem Creating an already existing directory/file must fail
mkdir foobar
md foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
rmdir foobar
echo > foobar
mkdir foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
del foobar
rem Multi-level path creation
mkdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
mkdir foo\bar\baz
echo %ErrorLevel%
cd foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
cd bar
echo %ErrorLevel%
cd baz
echo %ErrorLevel%
echo > ..\..\bar2
mkdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2
echo %ErrorLevel%
del ..\..\bar2
mkdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2
echo %ErrorLevel%
rmdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2
cd ..
rmdir baz
cd ..
rmdir bar
cd ..
rmdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
2011-07-11 23:34:07 +02:00
rem Trailing backslashes
mkdir foo\\\\
echo %ErrorLevel%
2011-07-23 15:34:20 +02:00
if exist foo ( rmdir foo & echo dir created
2011-07-11 23:34:07 +02:00
) else ( echo dir not created )
echo %ErrorLevel%
rem Invalid chars
mkdir ?
echo %ErrorLevel%
call : setError 0
mkdir ?\foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
call : setError 0
mkdir foo\?
echo %ErrorLevel%
2011-07-23 15:34:20 +02:00
if exist foo ( rmdir foo & echo ok, foo created
2011-07-11 23:34:07 +02:00
) else ( echo foo not created )
call : setError 0
mkdir foo\bar\?
echo %ErrorLevel%
call : setError 0
if not exist foo (
echo bad, foo not created
) else (
cd foo
if exist bar (
echo ok, foo\bar created
rmdir bar
cd ..
rmdir foo
2011-07-24 22:11:35 +02:00
rem multiples directories at once
mkdir foobaz & cd foobaz
mkdir foo bar\baz foobar
if exist foo ( echo foo created) else echo foo not created!
if exist bar ( echo bar created) else echo bar not created!
if exist foobar ( echo foobar created) else echo foobar not created!
if exist bar\baz ( echo bar\baz created) else echo bar\baz not created!
cd ..
rd /s/q foobaz
2011-07-11 23:34:06 +02:00
2011-07-11 23:34:08 +02:00
echo ----------- Testing rmdir -----------
call : setError 0
rem rd and rmdir are synonymous
mkdir foobar
rmdir foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
if not exist foobar echo dir removed
mkdir foobar
rd foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
if not exist foobar echo dir removed
rem Removing non-existent directory
rmdir foobar
echo %ErrorLevel%
rem Removing single-level directories
echo > foo
rmdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
if exist foo echo file not removed
del foo
mkdir foo
echo > foo\bar
rmdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
if exist foo echo non-empty dir not removed
del foo\bar
mkdir foo\bar
rmdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
if exist foo echo non-empty dir not removed
rmdir foo\bar
rmdir foo
2011-07-19 09:49:25 +02:00
rem Recursive rmdir
mkdir foo\bar\baz
rmdir /s /Q foo
if not exist foo (
echo recursive rmdir succeeded
) else (
rd foo\bar\baz
rd foo\bar
rd foo
mkdir foo\bar\baz
echo foo > foo\bar\brol
rmdir /s /Q foo
if not exist foo (
echo recursive rmdir succeeded
) else (
rd foo\bar\baz
del foo\bar\brol
rd foo\bar
rd foo
2011-07-24 22:11:36 +02:00
rem multiples directories at once
mkdir foobaz & cd foobaz
mkdir foo
mkdir bar\baz
mkdir foobar
rd /s/q foo bar foobar
if not exist foo ( echo foo removed) else echo foo not removed!
if not exist bar ( echo bar removed) else echo bar not removed!
if not exist foobar ( echo foobar removed) else echo foobar not removed!
if not exist bar\baz ( echo bar\baz removed) else echo bar\baz not removed!
cd ..
rd /s/q foobaz
2011-07-11 23:34:08 +02:00
2011-07-21 15:28:26 +02:00
echo ------------ Testing CALL --------------
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
rem External script
2011-07-28 01:06:45 +02:00
echo echo foo %% 1> foo.cmd
2011-07-21 15:28:26 +02:00
call foo
call foo.cmd 8
2011-07-29 13:59:51 +02:00
echo echo %% 1 %% 2 > foo.cmd
call foo.cmd foo
call foo.cmd foo bar
call foo.cmd foo " "
call foo.cmd " " bar
call foo.cmd foo ''
call foo.cmd '' bar
2011-07-21 15:28:26 +02:00
del foo.cmd
rem Internal routines
call : testRoutine :testRoutine
goto : endTestRoutine
: testRoutine
echo bar %1
goto : eof
: endTestRoutine
2011-07-29 13:59:51 +02:00
call : testRoutineArgs foo
call : testRoutineArgs foo bar
call : testRoutineArgs foo " "
call : testRoutineArgs " " bar
call : testRoutineArgs foo ''
call : testRoutineArgs '' bar
goto : endTestRoutineArgs
: testRoutineArgs
echo %1 %2
goto : eof
: endTestRoutineArgs
2011-07-21 15:28:26 +02:00
rem Should work for builtins...
call mkdir foo
echo %ErrorLevel%
if exist foo ( echo foo created) else echo foo should exist!
rmdir foo
set FOOBAZ_VAR = foobaz
call echo Should expand %FOOBAZ_VAR%
echo > batfile
call dir /b
echo > robinfile
if 1== 1 call del batfile
dir /b
if exist batfile echo batfile shouldn't exist
rem ... but not for 'if' or 'for'
call if 1== 1 echo bar 2 > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
call : setError 0
call for %% i in ( foo bar baz) do echo %% i 2 > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
rem First look for programs in the path before trying a builtin
2011-07-28 01:06:45 +02:00
echo echo non-builtin dir> dir.cmd
2011-07-21 15:28:26 +02:00
call dir /b
cd ..
rd /s/q foobar
2011-05-26 06:42:37 +02:00
echo -----------Testing Errorlevel-----------
2011-07-19 09:49:26 +02:00
rem WARNING: Do *not* add tests using ErrorLevel after this section
should_not_exist 2 > nul > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
2011-05-26 06:42:37 +02:00
rem nt 4.0 doesn't really support a way of setting errorlevel, so this is weak
rem See http://www.robvanderwoude.com/exit.php
call : setError 1
echo %ErrorLevel%
if errorlevel 2 echo errorlevel too high, bad
if errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel just right, good
call : setError 0
echo abc%ErrorLevel% def
if errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel nonzero, bad
if not errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel zero, good
rem Now verify that setting a real variable hides its magic variable
set errorlevel = 7
echo %ErrorLevel% should be 7
if errorlevel 7 echo setting var worked too well, bad
call : setError 3
echo %ErrorLevel% should still be 7
2010-03-24 04:45:49 +01:00
echo -----------Testing GOTO-----------
if a== a goto dest1
: dest1
echo goto with no leading space worked
if b== b goto dest2
: dest2
echo goto with a leading space worked
if c== c goto dest3
: dest3
echo goto with a leading tab worked
2010-12-13 00:04:19 +01:00
if d== d goto dest4
: dest4@space@
echo goto with a following space worked
2011-05-26 06:42:37 +02:00
echo -----------Done, jumping to EOF-----------
goto : eof
rem Subroutine to set errorlevel and return
rem in windows nt 4.0, this always sets errorlevel 1, since /b isn't supported
: setError
exit /B %1
rem This line runs under cmd in windows NT 4, but not in more modern versions.