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Raw Normal View History

* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "winternl.h"
#include "wine/orpc.h"
#include "wine/heap.h"
#include "wine/list.h"
extern HINSTANCE hProxyDll;
struct apartment
struct list entry;
LONG refs; /* refcount of the apartment (LOCK) */
BOOL multi_threaded; /* multi-threaded or single-threaded apartment? (RO) */
DWORD tid; /* thread id (RO) */
OXID oxid; /* object exporter ID (RO) */
LONG ipidc; /* interface pointer ID counter, starts at 1 (LOCK) */
CRITICAL_SECTION cs; /* thread safety */
struct list proxies; /* imported objects (CS cs) */
struct list stubmgrs; /* stub managers for exported objects (CS cs) */
BOOL remunk_exported; /* has the IRemUnknown interface for this apartment been created yet? (CS cs) */
LONG remoting_started; /* has the RPC system been started for this apartment? (LOCK) */
struct list loaded_dlls; /* list of dlls loaded by this apartment (CS cs) */
DWORD host_apt_tid; /* thread ID of apartment hosting objects of differing threading model (CS cs) */
HWND host_apt_hwnd; /* handle to apartment window of host apartment (CS cs) */
struct local_server *local_server; /* A marshallable object exposing local servers (CS cs) */
BOOL being_destroyed; /* is currently being destroyed */
/* FIXME: OIDs should be given out by RPCSS */
OID oidc; /* object ID counter, starts at 1, zero is invalid OID (CS cs) */
/* STA-only fields */
HWND win; /* message window (LOCK) */
IMessageFilter *filter; /* message filter (CS cs) */
BOOL main; /* is this a main-threaded-apartment? (RO) */
/* MTA-only */
struct list usage_cookies; /* Used for refcount control with CoIncrementMTAUsage()/CoDecrementMTAUsage(). */
extern HRESULT WINAPI InternalGetRegisteredClassObject(struct apartment *apt, REFGUID guid,
DWORD clscontext, IUnknown **obj);
HRESULT open_key_for_clsid(REFCLSID clsid, const WCHAR *keyname, REGSAM access, HKEY *subkey) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT open_appidkey_from_clsid(REFCLSID clsid, REGSAM access, HKEY *subkey) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* DCOM messages used by the apartment window (not compatible with native) */
#define DM_EXECUTERPC (WM_USER + 0) /* WPARAM = 0, LPARAM = (struct dispatch_params *) */
#define DM_HOSTOBJECT (WM_USER + 1) /* WPARAM = 0, LPARAM = (struct host_object_params *) */
#define WINE_CLSCTX_DONT_HOST 0x80000000
#define CHARS_IN_GUID 39
/* this is what is stored in TEB->ReservedForOle */
struct tlsdata
struct apartment *apt;
IErrorInfo *errorinfo;
DWORD thread_seqid;/* returned with CoGetCurrentProcess */
DWORD apt_mask; /* apartment mask (+0Ch on x86) */
void *unknown0;
DWORD inits; /* number of times CoInitializeEx called */
DWORD ole_inits; /* number of times OleInitialize called */
GUID causality_id; /* unique identifier for each COM call */
LONG pending_call_count_client; /* number of client calls pending */
LONG pending_call_count_server; /* number of server calls pending */
DWORD unknown;
IObjContext *context_token; /* (+38h on x86) */
IUnknown *call_state; /* current call context (+3Ch on x86) */
DWORD unknown2[46];
IUnknown *cancel_object; /* cancel object set by CoSetCancelObject (+F8h on x86) */
IUnknown *state; /* see CoSetState */
struct list spies; /* Spies installed with CoRegisterInitializeSpy */
DWORD spies_lock;
extern HRESULT WINAPI InternalTlsAllocData(struct tlsdata **data);
static inline HRESULT com_get_tlsdata(struct tlsdata **data)
*data = NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle;
return *data ? S_OK : InternalTlsAllocData(data);
static inline struct apartment* com_get_current_apt(void)
struct tlsdata *tlsdata = NULL;
return tlsdata->apt;
HWND WINAPI apartment_getwindow(const struct apartment *apt) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT WINAPI apartment_createwindowifneeded(struct apartment *apt) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void apartment_freeunusedlibraries(struct apartment *apt, DWORD unload_delay) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* RpcSs interface */
HRESULT rpcss_get_next_seqid(DWORD *id) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT rpc_get_local_class_object(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **obj) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* stub managers hold refs on the object and each interface stub */
struct stub_manager
struct list entry; /* entry in apartment stubmgr list (CS apt->cs) */
struct list ifstubs; /* list of active ifstubs for the object (CS lock) */
struct apartment *apt; /* owning apt (RO) */
ULONG extrefs; /* number of 'external' references (CS lock) */
ULONG refs; /* internal reference count (CS apt->cs) */
ULONG weakrefs; /* number of weak references (CS lock) */
OID oid; /* apartment-scoped unique identifier (RO) */
IUnknown *object; /* the object we are managing the stub for (RO) */
ULONG next_ipid; /* currently unused (LOCK) */
OXID_INFO oxid_info; /* string binding, ipid of rem unknown and other information (RO) */
IExternalConnection *extern_conn;
/* We need to keep a count of the outstanding marshals, so we can enforce the
* marshalling rules (ie, you can only unmarshal normal marshals once). Note
* that these counts do NOT include unmarshalled interfaces, once a stream is
* unmarshalled and a proxy set up, this count is decremented.
ULONG norm_refs; /* refcount of normal marshals (CS lock) */
BOOL disconnected; /* CoDisconnectObject has been called (CS lock) */
enum class_reg_data_origin
struct class_reg_data
enum class_reg_data_origin origin;
const WCHAR *module_name;
DWORD threading_model;
HANDLE hactctx;
} actctx;
HKEY hkey;
} u;
HRESULT WINAPI enter_apartment(struct tlsdata *data, DWORD model);
void WINAPI leave_apartment(struct tlsdata *data);
void WINAPI apartment_release(struct apartment *apt);
struct apartment * WINAPI apartment_get_current_or_mta(void);
HRESULT apartment_increment_mta_usage(CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE *cookie) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void apartment_decrement_mta_usage(CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE cookie) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
struct apartment * apartment_get_mta(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT apartment_get_inproc_class_object(struct apartment *apt, const struct class_reg_data *regdata,
REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, BOOL hostifnecessary, void **ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* Stub Manager */
ULONG stub_manager_int_release(struct stub_manager *This) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;