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function ok(b,m) {
return external.ok(b, m);
function broken(expr) {
return external.broken(expr);
function test_removeAttribute(e) {
ok(e.removeAttribute('nonexisting') === false, "removeAttribute('nonexisting') didn't return false");
e.title = "title";
ok(e.removeAttribute('title') === true, "removeAttribute('title') didn't return true");
ok(e.title === "", "e.title = " + e.title);
ok(("title" in e) === true, "title is not in e");
e["myattr"] = "test";
ok(e.removeAttribute('myattr') === true, "removeAttribute('myattr') didn't return true");
ok(e["myattr"] === undefined, "e['myattr'] = " + e['myattr']);
ok(("myattr" in e) === false, "myattr is in e");
function test_select_index() {
var s = document.getElementById("sel");
ok("0" in s, "'0' is not in s");
ok(s[0].text === "opt1", "s[0].text = " + s[0].text);
ok("1" in s, "'1 is not in s");
ok(s[1].text === "opt2", "s[1].text = " + s[1].text);
ok("2" in s, "'2' is in s");
ok(s[2] === null, "s[2] = " + s[2]);
function test_createDocumentFragment() {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
ok(typeof(fragment) === "object", "typeof(fragmend) = " + typeof(fragment));
ok(fragment.nodeType === 11, "fragment.nodeType = " + fragment.nodeType);
ok(fragment.nodeName === "#document-fragment", "fragment.nodeName = " + fragment.nodeName);
var cloned = fragment.cloneNode(true);
ok(cloned.nodeType === 11, "cloned.nodeType = " + cloned.nodeType);
ok(cloned.nodeName === "#document-fragment", "cloned.nodeName = " + cloned.nodeName);
function test_document_name_as_index() {
document.body.innerHTML = '<form name="formname"></form>';
var e = document.getElementById("formname");
ok(!!e, "e is null");
ok(document.formname === e, "document.formname != getElementById('formname')");
ok("formname" in document, "formname' is not in document");
ok(document.formname === undefined, "document.formname is not undefined");
ok(!("formname" in document), "formname' is in document");
document.body.innerHTML = '<form id="formid"></form>';
var e = document.getElementById("formid");
ok(!!e, "e is null");
ok(!("formid" in document), "formid is in document");
document.body.innerHTML = '<form name="formname"></form>';
ok("formname" in window, "formname' is not in window");
ok(typeof(window.formname) === "object", "typeof(window.formname) = " + typeof(window.formname));
window.formname = 1;
ok(window.formname === 1, "window.formname = " + window.formname);
formname = 2;
ok(window.formname === 2, "window.formname = " + window.formname);
document.body.innerHTML = '<iframe id="iframeid"></iframe>';
ok("iframeid" in window, "iframeid is not in window");
e = document.getElementById("iframeid");
ok(!!e, "e is null");
ok(iframeid != e, "iframeid == e");
ok(iframeid.frameElement === e, "frameid != e.contentWindow");
function test_remove_style_attribute() {
var s = document.body.style, b;
s.somevar = "test";
b = s.removeAttribute("somevar", 1);
ok(b, "removeAttribute returned " + b + " expected true");
b = s.removeAttribute("somevar", 1);
ok(b === false, "removeAttribute returned " + b + " expected false");
function test_clone_node() {
var elem, cloned;
elem = document.getElementById("divid");
elem.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)";
ok(elem.style.filter === "alpha(opacity=50)", "elem.style.filter = " + elem.style.filter);
cloned = elem.cloneNode(true);
ok(cloned.style.filter === "alpha(opacity=50)", "cloned.style.filter = " + cloned.style.filter);
function test_attrs() {
var input, s, x, f, b;
document.body.innerHTML = '<input id="inputid"></input>';
input = document.getElementById("inputid");
s = input.style;
f = input.fireEvent;
ok(input.checked === false, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
input.setAttribute("checked", "test");
ok(input.checked === true, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
input.setAttribute("checked", 0);
ok(input.checked === false, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
input.setAttribute("checked", "");
ok(input.checked === false, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
input.setAttribute("Checked", 1, 0);
ok(input.checked === true, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
ok(!("Checked" in input), "Checked added to input");
input.setAttribute("checked", 0, 0);
input.setAttribute("Checked", 1, 1);
ok(input.checked === false, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
ok("Checked" in input, "checked not added to input");
ok(input.Checked === 1, "input.Checked = " + input.Checked);
input.removeAttribute("Checked", 1);
ok(!("Checked" in input), "Checked is still in input");
ok(input.checked === false, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
input.setAttribute("checked", 1, 0);
input.setAttribute("Checked", 0);
ok(input.checked === true, "input.checked = " + input.checked);
ok("Checked" in input, "checked not added to input");
ok(input.Checked === 0, "input.Checked = " + input.Checked);
input.setAttribute("Checked", 2, 2);
ok(input.Checked === 0, "input.Checked = " + input.Checked);
input.setAttribute("Checked", 3, 3);
ok(input.Checked === 3, "input.Checked = " + input.Checked);
x = input.getAttribute("style");
ok(x === s, "getAttribute('style') = " + x);
ok(s.cssText === "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
input.setAttribute("style", "display: none");
x = input.getAttribute("style");
ok(x === s, "getAttribute('style') = " + x);
ok(s.cssText === "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
ok(s.display === "", "s.display = " + s.display);
s.display = "none";
ok(s.cssText != "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
ok(s.display === "none", "s.display = " + s.display);
input.setAttribute("style", "");
x = input.getAttribute("style");
ok(x === s, "getAttribute('style') = " + x);
ok(s.cssText != "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
ok(s.display === "none", "s.display = " + s.display);
input.setAttribute("style", null);
x = input.getAttribute("style");
ok(input.style === s, "input.style = " + input.style);
ok(x === s, "getAttribute('style') = " + x);
ok(s.cssText != "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
ok(s.display === "none", "s.display = " + s.display);
x = input.getAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(x === input.fireEvent, "input.getAttribute('fireEvent') = " + x);
input.setAttribute("fireEvent", 3);
ok(input.fireEvent === 3, "input.fireEvent = " + input.fireEvent);
x = input.getAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(x === 3, "input.getAttribute('fireEvent') = " + x);
b = input.removeAttribute("style");
ok(b === true, "removeAttribute('style') failed");
ok(input.style === s, "input.style = " + input.style);
x = input.getAttribute("style");
ok(x === s, "getAttribute('style') = " + x);
ok(s.display === "", "s.display = " + s.display);
ok(s.cssText === "", "s.cssText = " + s.cssText);
b = input.removeAttribute("style");
ok(b === true, "removeAttribute('style') failed");
b = false;
try {
input.setAttribute("tagName", "xxx");
}catch(e) {
b = true;
ok(b, "Expected exception on setAttribute(tagName)");
b = false;
try {
input.setAttribute("parentElement", "xxx");
}catch(e) {
b = true;
ok(b, "Expected exception on setAttribute(parentElement)");
b = input.removeAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(b === true, "removeAttribute(fireEvent) failed");
ok(input.fireEvent === f, "input.fireEvent = " + input.fireEvent);
x = input.getAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(x === f, "input.getAttribute('fireEvent') = " + x);
b = input.removeAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(b === false || broken(b === true), "removeAttribute(fireEvent) returned " + b);
input.fireEvent = 3;
x = input.getAttribute("fireEvent");
ok(x === 3, "input.getAttribute('fireEvent') = " + x);
ok(input.fireEvent === 3, "input.fireEvent' = " + input.fireEvent);
function test_attribute_collection() {
var div, attr;
document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="divid" class="test"></div>';
div = document.getElementById("divid");
attr = div.attributes["dir"];
ok(attr === div.attributes["dir"], "attr !== div.attributes['dir']");
function test_getter_call() {
document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="divid"></div>';
var e = document.getElementById("divid");
e.myfunc = function(x) { this.myfunc_called = x; };
ok(e.myfunc_called === "test", "e.myfunc_called = " + e.myfunc_called);
e.onmousedown = function(x) { this.onmousedown_called = x; };
ok(e.onmousedown_called === "test", "e.onmousedown_called = " + e.onmousedown_called);
ok(document.all("divid").tagName === "DIV", "document.all('divid').tagName = " + document.all("divid").tagName);
function test_arg_conv() {
/* this call would throw if the argument wasn't converted by JScript */
function test_override_functions() {
function override_func() { return "test"; }
ok(typeof(window.showModalDialog) === "object", "typeof(window.showModalDialog) = " + typeof(window.showModalDialog));
window.showModalDialog = override_func;
ok(window.showModalDialog === override_func, "window.showModalDialog != override_func");
ok(typeof(window.showModalDialog) === "function", "typeof(window.showModalDialog) = " + typeof(window.showModalDialog));
document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="divid"></div>';
var div = document.getElementById("divid");
ok(typeof(div.addBehavior) === "object", "typeof(div.addBehavior) = " + typeof(div.addBehavior));
div.addBehavior = override_func;
ok(div.addBehavior === override_func, "div.addBehavior != override_func");
ok(typeof(div.addBehavior) === "function", "typeof(div.addBehavior) = " + typeof(div.addBehavior));
var tmp = div.addBehavior();
ok(tmp === "test", "div.addBehavior() = " + tmp);
tmp = String(div.attachEvent);
ok(tmp == "\nfunction attachEvent() {\n [native code]\n}\n", "String(div.attachEvent) = " + tmp);
function test_forin() {
var cnt=0;
document.body.innerHTML = '<a id="aid"></a>';
for(var x in document.getElementById("aid")) {
ok(cnt > 100, "cnt = " + cnt);
function test_customtag() {
document.body.innerHTML = 'test<unk><br>';
var children = document.body.childNodes;
ok(children.length === 3, "children.length = " + children.length);
ok(children[0].data === "test", "children[0].data = " + children[0].data);
ok(children[1].tagName === "UNK", "children[1].tagName = " + children[1].tagName);
ok(children[2].tagName === "BR", "children[2].tagName = " + children[2].tagName);
2013-05-17 12:35:08 +02:00
function test_whitespace_nodes() {
document.body.innerHTML = '<table id="tid"> <tr> \t<td>\n \t<div></div> </td>\n </tr> </table>';
var t = document.getElementById("tid");
ok(t.childNodes.length === 1, "t.childNodes.length = " + t.childNodes.length);
ok(t.childNodes[0].tagName === "TBODY", "t.childNodes[0].tagName = " + t.childNodes[0].tagName);
var row = t.rows[0];
ok(row.childNodes.length === 1, "row.childNodes.length = " + row.childNodes.length);
ok(row.childNodes[0].tagName === "TD", "row.childNodes[0].tagName = " + row.childNodes[0].tagName);
var cell = row.cells[0];
ok(cell.childNodes.length === 1, "cell.childNodes.length = " + cell.childNodes.length);
document.body.innerHTML = '<table id="tid"> x<tr> \tx<td>\n \tx<div></div> </td>\n </tr> </table>';
t = document.getElementById("tid");
ok(t.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes.length === 2,
"t.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes.length = " + t.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes.length);
function test_language_attribute() {
document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="did" language="test"></div>';
var elem = document.getElementById("did");
ok(elem.language === "test", "elem.language = " + elem.language);
elem.language = 1;
ok(elem.language === "1", "elem.language = " + elem.language);
2010-11-09 13:36:39 +01:00
var globalVar = false;
function runTests() {
obj = new Object();
ok(obj === window.obj, "obj !== window.obj");
ok(typeof(divid) === "object", "typeof(divid) = " + typeof(divid));
2013-05-17 12:35:08 +02:00
2010-11-09 13:36:39 +01:00
var r = window.execScript("globalVar = true;");
ok(r === undefined, "execScript returned " + r);
ok(globalVar === true, "globalVar = " + globalVar);
function runTest() {
try {
}catch(e) {
ok(false, "got exception " + e.message);
2010-11-09 13:36:39 +01:00
<body onload="runTest();">
<div id="divid"></div>
<select id="sel">