
351 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Morgan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef _XCMC_H
#define _XCMC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef char CMC_sint8;
typedef short CMC_sint16;
typedef long int CMC_sint32;
typedef unsigned short int CMC_uint16;
typedef unsigned long int CMC_uint32;
typedef void* CMC_buffer;
typedef char* CMC_string;
typedef CMC_uint16 CMC_boolean;
typedef CMC_sint32 CMC_enum;
typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_return_code;
typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_flags;
typedef CMC_string CMC_object_identifier;
typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_session_id;
typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_ui_id;
#define CMC_FALSE ((CMC_boolean)0)
#define CMC_TRUE ((CMC_boolean)1)
#define CMC_SUCCESS ((CMC_return_code) 0)
#define CMC_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT ((CMC_return_code) 1)
#define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND ((CMC_return_code) 2)
#define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 3)
#define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_READ_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 4)
#define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 5)
#define CMC_E_COUNTED_STRING_UNSUPPORTED ((CMC_return_code) 6)
#define CMC_E_DISK_FULL ((CMC_return_code) 7)
#define CMC_E_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 8)
#define CMC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ((CMC_return_code) 9)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_CONFIGURATION ((CMC_return_code) 10)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_ENUM ((CMC_return_code) 11)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_FLAG ((CMC_return_code) 12)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_MEMORY ((CMC_return_code) 13)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_MESSAGE_PARAMETER ((CMC_return_code) 14)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_MESSAGE_REFERENCE ((CMC_return_code) 15)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ((CMC_return_code) 16)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_SESSION_ID ((CMC_return_code) 17)
#define CMC_E_INVALID_UI_ID ((CMC_return_code) 18)
#define CMC_E_LOGON_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 19)
#define CMC_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE ((CMC_return_code) 20)
#define CMC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED ((CMC_return_code) 21)
#define CMC_E_PASSWORD_REQUIRED ((CMC_return_code) 22)
#define CMC_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND ((CMC_return_code) 23)
#define CMC_E_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ((CMC_return_code) 24)
#define CMC_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE ((CMC_return_code) 25)
#define CMC_E_TOO_MANY_FILES ((CMC_return_code) 26)
#define CMC_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS ((CMC_return_code) 27)
#define CMC_E_UNABLE_TO_NOT_MARK_AS_READ ((CMC_return_code) 28)
#define CMC_E_UNRECOGNIZED_MESSAGE_TYPE ((CMC_return_code) 29)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION ((CMC_return_code) 30)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_SET ((CMC_return_code) 31)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_EXT ((CMC_return_code) 32)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG ((CMC_return_code) 33)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION_EXT ((CMC_return_code) 34)
#define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION ((CMC_return_code) 35)
#define CMC_E_USER_CANCEL ((CMC_return_code) 36)
#define CMC_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON ((CMC_return_code) 37)
#define CMC_ERROR_DISPLAYED ((CMC_return_code) 0x00008000)
#define CMC_ERROR_RSV_MASK ((CMC_return_code) 0x0000FFFF)
#define CMC_ERROR_IMPL_MASK ((CMC_return_code) 0xFFFF0000)
typedef struct {
CMC_uint32 length;
char string[1];
} CMC_counted_string;
typedef CMC_counted_string CMC_message_reference;
typedef struct {
CMC_sint8 second;
CMC_sint8 minute;
CMC_sint8 hour;
CMC_sint8 day;
CMC_sint8 month;
CMC_sint8 year;
CMC_sint8 isdst;
CMC_sint8 unused1;
CMC_sint16 tmzone;
CMC_sint16 unused2;
} CMC_time;
#define CMC_NO_TIMEZONE ((CMC_sint16) 0x8000)
typedef struct {
CMC_uint32 item_code;
CMC_uint32 item_data;
CMC_buffer item_reference;
CMC_flags extension_flags;
} CMC_extension;
#define CMC_EXT_REQUIRED ((CMC_flags) 0x00010000)
#define CMC_EXT_OUTPUT ((CMC_flags) 0x00020000)
#define CMC_EXT_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
#define CMC_EXT_RSV_FLAG_MASK ((CMC_flags) 0xFFFF0000)
#define CMC_EXT_ITEM_FLAG_MASK ((CMC_flags) 0x0000FFFF)
typedef struct CMC_attachment_s {
CMC_string attach_title;
CMC_object_identifier attach_type;
CMC_string attach_filename;
CMC_flags attach_flags;
CMC_extension *attach_extensions;
} CMC_attachment;
#define CMC_ATT_APP_OWNS_FILE ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_ATT_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
#define CMC_ATT_OID_BINARY "? ? ? ? ? ?"
#define CMC_ATT_OID_TEXT "? ? ? ? ? ?"
typedef struct {
CMC_string name;
CMC_enum name_type;
CMC_string address;
CMC_enum role;
CMC_flags recip_flags;
CMC_extension *recip_extensions;
} CMC_recipient;
#define CMC_TYPE_UNKNOWN ((CMC_enum) 0)
#define CMC_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL ((CMC_enum) 1)
#define CMC_TYPE_GROUP ((CMC_enum) 2)
#define CMC_ROLE_TO ((CMC_enum) 0)
#define CMC_ROLE_CC ((CMC_enum) 1)
#define CMC_ROLE_BCC ((CMC_enum) 2)
#define CMC_ROLE_ORIGINATOR ((CMC_enum) 3)
#define CMC_RECIP_IGNORE ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_RECIP_LIST_TRUNCATED ((CMC_flags) 2)
#define CMC_RECIP_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
typedef struct {
CMC_message_reference *message_reference;
CMC_string message_type;
CMC_string subject;
CMC_time time_sent;
CMC_string text_note;
CMC_recipient *recipients;
CMC_attachment *attachments;
CMC_flags message_flags;
CMC_extension *message_extensions;
} CMC_message;
#define CMC_MSG_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_MSG_TEXT_NOTE_AS_FILE ((CMC_flags) 2)
#define CMC_MSG_UNSENT ((CMC_flags) 4)
#define CMC_MSG_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
typedef struct {
CMC_message_reference *message_reference;
CMC_string message_type;
CMC_string subject;
CMC_time time_sent;
CMC_uint32 byte_length;
CMC_recipient *originator;
CMC_flags summary_flags;
CMC_extension *message_summary_extensions;
} CMC_message_summary;
#define CMC_SUM_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_SUM_UNSENT ((CMC_flags) 2)
#define CMC_SUM_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
#define CMC_ERROR_UI_ALLOWED ((CMC_flags) 0x01000000)
#define CMC_LOGON_UI_ALLOWED ((CMC_flags) 0x02000000)
#define CMC_COUNTED_STRING_TYPE ((CMC_flags) 0x04000000)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_send(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_message *message,
CMC_flags send_flags,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_extension *send_extensions
#define CMC_SEND_UI_REQUESTED ((CMC_flags) 1)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_send_documents(
CMC_string recipient_addresses,
CMC_string subject,
CMC_string text_note,
CMC_flags send_doc_flags,
CMC_string file_paths,
CMC_string file_names,
CMC_string delimiter,
CMC_ui_id ui_id
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_act_on(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_message_reference *message_reference,
CMC_enum operation,
CMC_flags act_on_flags,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_extension *act_on_extensions
#define CMC_ACT_ON_EXTENDED ((CMC_enum) 0)
#define CMC_ACT_ON_DELETE ((CMC_enum) 1)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_list(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_string message_type,
CMC_flags list_flags,
CMC_message_reference *seed,
CMC_uint32 *count,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_message_summary **result,
CMC_extension *list_extensions
#define CMC_LIST_UNREAD_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_LIST_MSG_REFS_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 2)
#define CMC_LIST_COUNT_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 4)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_read(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_message_reference *message_reference,
CMC_flags read_flags,
CMC_message **message,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_extension *read_extensions
#define CMC_DO_NOT_MARK_AS_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
#define CMC_MSG_AND_ATT_HDRS_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 2)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_look_up(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_recipient *recipient_in,
CMC_flags look_up_flags,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_uint32 *count,
CMC_recipient **recipient_out,
CMC_extension *look_up_extensions
#define CMC_LOOKUP_RESOLVE_UI ((CMC_flags) 4)
#define CMC_LOOKUP_DETAILS_UI ((CMC_flags) 8)
#define CMC_LOOKUP_ADDRESSING_UI ((CMC_flags) 16)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_free( CMC_buffer memory );
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_logoff(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_flags logoff_flags,
CMC_extension *logoff_extensions
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_logon(
CMC_string service,
CMC_string user,
CMC_string password,
CMC_object_identifier character_set,
CMC_ui_id ui_id,
CMC_uint16 caller_cmc_version,
CMC_flags logon_flags,
CMC_session_id *session,
CMC_extension *logon_extensions
#define CMC_VERSION ((CMC_uint16) 100)
CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_query_configuration(
CMC_session_id session,
CMC_enum item,
CMC_buffer reference,
CMC_extension *config_extensions
#define CMC_CONFIG_LINE_TERM ((CMC_enum) 2)
#define CMC_CONFIG_DEFAULT_USER ((CMC_enum) 4)
#define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_PASSWORD ((CMC_enum) 5)
#define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_SERVICE ((CMC_enum) 6)
#define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_USER ((CMC_enum) 7)
#define CMC_CONFIG_UI_AVAIL ((CMC_enum) 8)
#define CMC_CONFIG_SUP_COUNTED_STR ((CMC_enum) 10)
#define CMC_CONFIG_VER_IMPLEM ((CMC_enum) 11)
#define CMC_CONFIG_VER_SPEC ((CMC_enum) 12)
#define CMC_LINE_TERM_CRLF ((CMC_enum) 0)
#define CMC_LINE_TERM_CR ((CMC_enum) 1)
#define CMC_LINE_TERM_LF ((CMC_enum) 2)
#define CMC_REQUIRED_NO ((CMC_enum) 0)
#define CMC_REQUIRED_YES ((CMC_enum) 1)
#define CMC_REQUIRED_OPT ((CMC_enum) 2)
#define CMC_CHAR_CP437 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 437"
#define CMC_CHAR_CP850 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 85"
#define CMC_CHAR_CP1252 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 1252"
#define CMC_CHAR_ISTRING "1 2 840 113556 3 2 0"
#define CMC_CHAR_UNICODE "1 2 840 113556 3 2 1"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* #ifndef _XCMC_H */