
345 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

// MastodonStatusContent.swift
// Mastodon
// Created by MainasuK Cirno on 2021/2/1.
import Foundation
import Kanna
import ActiveLabel
enum MastodonStatusContent {
typealias EmojiShortcode = String
typealias EmojiDict = [EmojiShortcode: URL]
static func parse(content: String, emojiDict: EmojiDict) throws -> MastodonStatusContent.ParseResult {
let document: String = {
var content = content
for (shortcode, url) in emojiDict {
let emojiNode = "<span class=\"emoji\" href=\"\(url.absoluteString)\">\(shortcode)</span>"
let pattern = ":\(shortcode):"
content = content.replacingOccurrences(of: pattern, with: emojiNode)
return content.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let rootNode = try Node.parse(document: document)
let text = String(rootNode.text)
var activeEntities: [ActiveEntity] = []
let entities = MastodonStatusContent.Node.entities(in: rootNode)
for entity in entities {
let range = NSRange(entity.text.startIndex..<entity.text.endIndex, in: text)
switch entity.type {
case .url:
guard let href = entity.href else { continue }
let text = String(entity.text)
activeEntities.append(ActiveEntity(range: range, type: .url(text, trimmed: entity.hrefEllipsis ?? text, url: href, userInfo: nil)))
case .hashtag:
var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]
entity.href.flatMap { href in
userInfo["href"] = href
let hashtag = String(entity.text).deletingPrefix("#")
activeEntities.append(ActiveEntity(range: range, type: .hashtag(hashtag, userInfo: userInfo)))
case .mention:
var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]
entity.href.flatMap { href in
userInfo["href"] = href
let mention = String(entity.text).deletingPrefix("@")
activeEntities.append(ActiveEntity(range: range, type: .mention(mention, userInfo: userInfo)))
case .emoji:
var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [:]
guard let href = entity.href else { continue }
userInfo["href"] = href
let emoji = String(entity.text)
activeEntities.append(ActiveEntity(range: range, type: .emoji(emoji, url: href, userInfo: userInfo)))
case .none:
var trimmed = text
for activeEntity in activeEntities {
MastodonStatusContent.trimEntity(status: &trimmed, activeEntity: activeEntity, activeEntities: activeEntities)
return ParseResult(
document: document,
original: text,
trimmed: trimmed,
activeEntities: activeEntities
static func trimEntity(status: inout String, activeEntity: ActiveEntity, activeEntities: [ActiveEntity]) {
let text: String
let trimmed: String
switch activeEntity.type {
case .url(let _text, let _trimmed, _, _):
text = _text
trimmed = _trimmed
case .emoji(let _text, _, _):
text = _text
trimmed = " "
guard let index = activeEntities.firstIndex(where: { $0.range == activeEntity.range }) else { return }
guard let range = Range(activeEntity.range, in: status) else { return }
status.replaceSubrange(range, with: trimmed)
let offset = trimmed.count - text.count
activeEntity.range.length += offset
let moveActiveEntities = Array(activeEntities[index...].dropFirst())
for moveActiveEntity in moveActiveEntities {
moveActiveEntity.range.location += offset
extension String {
// ref: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/strings/how-to-remove-a-prefix-from-a-string
func deletingPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> String {
guard self.hasPrefix(prefix) else { return self }
return String(self.dropFirst(prefix.count))
extension MastodonStatusContent {
struct ParseResult {
let document: String
let original: String
let trimmed: String
let activeEntities: [ActiveEntity]
extension MastodonStatusContent {
class Node {
let level: Int
let type: Type?
// substring text
let text: Substring
// range in parent String
var range: Range<String.Index> {
return text.startIndex..<text.endIndex
let tagName: String?
let classNames: Set<String>
let href: String?
let hrefEllipsis: String?
let children: [Node]
level: Int,
text: Substring,
tagName: String?,
className: String?,
href: String?,
hrefEllipsis: String?,
children: [Node]
) {
let _classNames: Set<String> = {
guard let className = className else { return Set() }
return Set(className.components(separatedBy: " "))
let _type: Type? = {
if tagName == "a" && !_classNames.contains("mention") {
return .url
if _classNames.contains("mention") {
if _classNames.contains("u-url") {
return .mention
} else if _classNames.contains("hashtag") {
return .hashtag
if _classNames.contains("emoji") {
return .emoji
return nil
self.level = level
self.type = _type
self.text = text
self.tagName = tagName
self.classNames = _classNames
self.href = href
self.hrefEllipsis = hrefEllipsis
self.children = children
static func parse(document: String) throws -> MastodonStatusContent.Node {
let html = try HTML(html: document, encoding: .utf8)
// add `\r\n` explicit due to Kanna text missing it after convert to text
// ref: https://github.com/tid-kijyun/Kanna/issues/150
let brNodes = html.css("br").makeIterator()
while let brNode = brNodes.next() {
brNode.addNextSibling(try! HTML(html: "<span>\r\n</span>", encoding: .utf8).body!)
let body = html.body ?? nil
let text = body?.text ?? ""
let level = 0
let children: [MastodonStatusContent.Node] = body.flatMap { body in
return Node.parse(element: body, parentText: text[...], parentLevel: level + 1)
} ?? []
let node = Node(
level: level,
text: text[...],
tagName: body?.tagName,
className: body?.className,
href: nil,
hrefEllipsis: nil,
children: children
return node
static func parse(element: XMLElement, parentText: Substring, parentLevel: Int) -> [Node] {
let parent = element
let scanner = Scanner(string: String(parentText))
scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = .none
var element = parent.at_css(":first-child")
var children: [Node] = []
while let _element = element {
let _text = _element.text ?? ""
// scan element text
_ = scanner.scanUpToString(_text)
let startIndexOffset = scanner.currentIndex.utf16Offset(in: scanner.string)
guard scanner.scanString(_text) != nil else {
let endIndexOffset = scanner.currentIndex.utf16Offset(in: scanner.string)
// locate substring
let startIndex = parentText.utf16.index(parentText.utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: startIndexOffset)
let endIndex = parentText.utf16.index(parentText.utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: endIndexOffset)
let text = Substring(parentText.utf16[startIndex..<endIndex])
let href = _element["href"]
let hrefEllipsis = href.flatMap { _ in _element.at_css(".ellipsis")?.text }
let level = parentLevel + 1
let node = Node(
level: level,
text: text,
tagName: _element.tagName,
className: _element.className,
href: href,
hrefEllipsis: hrefEllipsis,
children: Node.parse(element: _element, parentText: text, parentLevel: level + 1)
element = _element.nextSibling
return children
static func collect(
node: Node,
where predicate: (Node) -> Bool
) -> [Node] {
var nodes: [Node] = []
if predicate(node) {
for child in node.children {
nodes.append(contentsOf: Node.collect(node: child, where: predicate))
return nodes
extension MastodonStatusContent.Node {
enum `Type` {
case url
case mention
case hashtag
case emoji
static func entities(in node: MastodonStatusContent.Node) -> [MastodonStatusContent.Node] {
return MastodonStatusContent.Node.collect(node: node) { node in node.type != nil }
static func hashtags(in node: MastodonStatusContent.Node) -> [MastodonStatusContent.Node] {
return MastodonStatusContent.Node.collect(node: node) { node in node.type == .hashtag }
static func mentions(in node: MastodonStatusContent.Node) -> [MastodonStatusContent.Node] {
return MastodonStatusContent.Node.collect(node: node) { node in node.type == .mention }
static func urls(in node: MastodonStatusContent.Node) -> [MastodonStatusContent.Node] {
return MastodonStatusContent.Node.collect(node: node) { node in node.type == .url }
extension MastodonStatusContent.Node: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String {
let linkInfo: String = {
switch (href, hrefEllipsis) {
case (nil, nil):
return ""
case (let href, let hrefEllipsis):
return "(\(href ?? "nil") - \(hrefEllipsis ?? "nil"))"
let classNamesInfo: String = {
guard !classNames.isEmpty else { return "" }
let names = Array(classNames)
.joined(separator: ", ")
return "@[\(names)]"
let nodeDescription = String(
format: "<%@>%@%@: %@",
tagName ?? "",
guard !children.isEmpty else {
return nodeDescription
let indent = Array(repeating: " ", count: level).joined()
let childrenDescription = children
.map { indent + $0.debugDescription }
.joined(separator: "\n")
return nodeDescription + "\n" + childrenDescription