// // NotificationTimelineViewController.swift // Mastodon // // Created by MainasuK on 2022-1-21. // import os.log import UIKit import Combine import CoreDataStack import MastodonLocalization final class NotificationTimelineViewController: UIViewController, NeedsDependency, MediaPreviewableViewController { let logger = Logger(subsystem: "NotificationTimelineViewController", category: "ViewController") weak var context: AppContext! { willSet { precondition(!isViewLoaded) } } weak var coordinator: SceneCoordinator! { willSet { precondition(!isViewLoaded) } } let mediaPreviewTransitionController = MediaPreviewTransitionController() var disposeBag = Set() var observations = Set() var viewModel: NotificationTimelineViewModel! private(set) lazy var refreshControl: UIRefreshControl = { let refreshControl = UIRefreshControl() refreshControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(NotificationTimelineViewController.refreshControlValueChanged(_:)), for: .valueChanged) return refreshControl }() private(set) lazy var tableView: UITableView = { let tableView = UITableView() tableView.backgroundColor = .clear tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension tableView.separatorStyle = .none return tableView }() deinit { os_log(.info, log: .debug, "%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function) } } extension NotificationTimelineViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() tableView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false view.addSubview(tableView) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ tableView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor), tableView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor), tableView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor), tableView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor), ]) tableView.delegate = self viewModel.setupDiffableDataSource( tableView: tableView, notificationTableViewCellDelegate: self ) // setup batch fetch viewModel.listBatchFetchViewModel.setup(scrollView: tableView) viewModel.listBatchFetchViewModel.shouldFetch .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self else { return } self.viewModel.loadOldestStateMachine.enter(NotificationTimelineViewModel.LoadOldestState.Loading.self) } .store(in: &disposeBag) // setup refresh control tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl viewModel.didLoadLatest .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.refreshControl.endRefreshing() } } .store(in: &disposeBag) } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) refreshControl.endRefreshing() tableView.deselectRow(with: transitionCoordinator, animated: animated) } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) if !viewModel.isLoadingLatest { let now = Date() if let timestamp = viewModel.lastAutomaticFetchTimestamp { if now.timeIntervalSince(timestamp) > 60 { logger.log(level: .debug, "\((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent, privacy: .public)[\(#line, privacy: .public)], \(#function, privacy: .public): auto fetch latest timeline…") Task { await viewModel.loadLatest() } viewModel.lastAutomaticFetchTimestamp = now } else { logger.log(level: .debug, "\((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent, privacy: .public)[\(#line, privacy: .public)], \(#function, privacy: .public): auto fetch latest timeline skip. Reason: updated in recent 60s") } } else { Task { await viewModel.loadLatest() } viewModel.lastAutomaticFetchTimestamp = now } } } } extension NotificationTimelineViewController { @objc private func refreshControlValueChanged(_ sender: UIRefreshControl) { logger.log(level: .debug, "\((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent, privacy: .public)[\(#line, privacy: .public)], \(#function, privacy: .public)") Task { await viewModel.loadLatest() } } } // MARK: - UITableViewDelegate extension NotificationTimelineViewController: UITableViewDelegate, AutoGenerateTableViewDelegate { // sourcery:inline:NotificationTimelineViewController.AutoGenerateTableViewDelegate // Generated using Sourcery // DO NOT EDIT func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { aspectTableView(tableView, didSelectRowAt: indexPath) } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, contextMenuConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath, point: CGPoint) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? { return aspectTableView(tableView, contextMenuConfigurationForRowAt: indexPath, point: point) } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration configuration: UIContextMenuConfiguration) -> UITargetedPreview? { return aspectTableView(tableView, previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration: configuration) } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration configuration: UIContextMenuConfiguration) -> UITargetedPreview? { return aspectTableView(tableView, previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration: configuration) } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWith configuration: UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: UIContextMenuInteractionCommitAnimating) { aspectTableView(tableView, willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWith: configuration, animator: animator) } // sourcery:end func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { guard let item = viewModel.diffableDataSource?.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath) else { return } // check item type inside `loadMore` Task { await viewModel.loadMore(item: item) } } } // MARK: - NotificationTableViewCellDelegate extension NotificationTimelineViewController: NotificationTableViewCellDelegate { } // MARK: - ScrollViewContainer extension NotificationTimelineViewController: ScrollViewContainer { var scrollView: UIScrollView? { tableView } } extension NotificationTimelineViewController { override var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? { return navigationKeyCommands } } extension NotificationTimelineViewController: TableViewControllerNavigateable { func navigate(direction: TableViewNavigationDirection) { if let indexPathForSelectedRow = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow { // navigate up/down on the current selected item navigateToStatus(direction: direction, indexPath: indexPathForSelectedRow) } else { // set first visible item selected navigateToFirstVisibleStatus() } } private func navigateToStatus(direction: TableViewNavigationDirection, indexPath: IndexPath) { guard let diffableDataSource = viewModel.diffableDataSource else { return } let items = diffableDataSource.snapshot().itemIdentifiers guard let selectedItem = diffableDataSource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath), let selectedItemIndex = items.firstIndex(of: selectedItem) else { return } let _navigateToItem: NotificationItem? = { var index = selectedItemIndex while 0.. 1 { // drop first when visible not the first cell of table visibleItems.removeFirst() } guard let item = visibleItems.first, let indexPath = diffableDataSource.indexPath(for: item) else { return } let scrollPosition: UITableView.ScrollPosition = overrideNavigationScrollPosition ?? Self.navigateScrollPosition(tableView: tableView, indexPath: indexPath) tableView.selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true, scrollPosition: scrollPosition) } static func validNavigateableItem(_ item: NotificationItem) -> Bool { switch item { case .feed: return true default: return false } } func open() { guard let indexPathForSelectedRow = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow else { return } guard let diffableDataSource = viewModel.diffableDataSource else { return } guard let item = diffableDataSource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPathForSelectedRow) else { return } Task { @MainActor in switch item { case .feed(let record): guard let feed = record.object(in: self.context.managedObjectContext) else { return } guard let notification = feed.notification else { return } if let stauts = notification.status { let threadViewModel = ThreadViewModel( context: self.context, optionalRoot: .root(context: .init(status: .init(objectID: stauts.objectID))) ) self.coordinator.present( scene: .thread(viewModel: threadViewModel), from: self, transition: .show ) } else { let profileViewModel = ProfileViewModel( context: self.context, optionalMastodonUser: notification.account ) self.coordinator.present( scene: .profile(viewModel: profileViewModel), from: self, transition: .show ) } default: break } } // end Task } func navigateKeyCommandHandlerRelay(_ sender: UIKeyCommand) { navigateKeyCommandHandler(sender) } }