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rules", + "you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules", + "its_something_else": "It’s something else", + "the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "The issue does not fit into other categories" + }, + "step_two": { + "step_2_of_4": "Step 2 of 4", + "which_rules_are_being_violated": "Which rules are being violated?", + "select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply", + "i_just_don’t_like_it": "I just don’t like it" + }, + "step_three": { + "step_3_of_4": "Step 3 of 4", + "are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Are there any posts that back up this report?", + "select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply" + }, + "step_four": { + "step_4_of_4": "Step 4 of 4", + "is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Is there anything else we should know?" + }, + "step_final": { + "dont_want_to_see_this": "Don’t want to see this?", + "when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "When you see something you don’t like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.", + "unfollow": "Unfollow", + "unfollowed": "Unfollowed", + "unfollow_user": "Unfollow %s", + "mute_user": "Mute %s", + "you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "You won’t see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They won’t know they’ve been muted.", + "block_user": "Block %s", + "they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if they’ve been blocked.", + "while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "While we review this, you can take action against %s" + } + }, + "preview": { + "keyboard": { + "close_preview": "プレビューを閉じる", + "show_next": "次を見る", + "show_previous": "前を見る" + } + }, + "account_list": { + "tab_bar_hint": "現在のアカウント: %s. ダブルタップしてアカウント切替画面を表示します", + "dismiss_account_switcher": "アカウント切替画面を閉じます", + "add_account": "アカウントを追加" + }, + "wizard": { + "new_in_mastodon": "Mastodon の新機能", + "multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "プロフィールボタンを押して複数のアカウントを切り替えます。", + "accessibility_hint": "チュートリアルを閉じるには、ダブルタップしてください" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file