forked from zelo72/mastodon-ios
New translations app.json (Scottish Gaelic)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,191 +2,191 @@
"common": {
"common": {
"alerts": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Please try again.",
"please_try_again": "Feuch ris a-rithist.",
"please_try_again_later": "Please try again later."
"please_try_again_later": "Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis."
"sign_up_failure": {
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Sign Up Failure"
"title": "Dh’fhàillig leis a’ chlàradh"
"server_error": {
"server_error": {
"title": "Server Error"
"title": "Mearachd an fhrithealaiche"
"vote_failure": {
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Vote Failure",
"title": "Dh’fhàillig leis a’ bhòt",
"poll_expired": "The poll has expired"
"poll_expired": "Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ chunntas-bheachd"
"discard_post_content": {
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"title": "Tilg air falbh an dreachd",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"message": "Dearbh tilgeil air falbh susbaint a’ phuist a sgrìobh thu."
"publish_post_failure": {
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"title": "Dh’fhàillig leis an fhoillseachadh",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
"message": "Cha deach leinn am post fhoillseachadh.\nThoir sùil air a’ cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon.",
"attachments_message": {
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "Cannot attach a video to a post that already contains images.",
"video_attach_with_photo": "Chan urrainn dhut video a cheangal ri post sa bheil dealbh mu thràth.",
"more_than_one_video": "Cannot attach more than one video."
"more_than_one_video": "Chan urrainn dhut barrachd air aon video a cheangal ris."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Edit Profile Error",
"title": "Mearachd le deasachadh na pròifil",
"message": "Cannot edit profile. Please try again."
"message": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ pròifil a dheasachadh. Feuch ris a-rithist."
"sign_out": {
"sign_out": {
"title": "Sign Out",
"title": "Clàraich a-mach",
"message": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
"message": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson clàradh a-mach?",
"confirm": "Sign Out"
"confirm": "Clàraich a-mach"
"block_domain": {
"block_domain": {
"title": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %s? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"title": "A bheil thu cinnteach dha-rìribh gu bheil thu airson an àrainn %s a bhacadh uile gu lèir? Mar as trice, foghnaidh gun dèan thu bacadh no mùchadh no dhà gu sònraichte agus bhiod sin na b’ fheàrr. Chan fhaic thu susbaint on àrainn ud agus thèid an luchd-leantainn agad on àrainn ud a thoirt air falbh.",
"block_entire_domain": "Block Domain"
"block_entire_domain": "Bac an àrainn"
"save_photo_failure": {
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Save Photo Failure",
"title": "Dh’fhàillig le sàbhaladh an deilbh",
"message": "Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo."
"message": "Cuir cead inntrigidh do thasg-lann nan dealbhan an comas gus an dealbh a shàbhaladh."
"delete_post": {
"delete_post": {
"title": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",
"title": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?",
"delete": "Delete"
"delete": "Sguab às"
"clean_cache": {
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"title": "Falamhaich an tasgadan",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"message": "Chaidh %s a thasgadan fhalamhachadh."
"controls": {
"controls": {
"actions": {
"actions": {
"back": "Back",
"back": "Air ais",
"next": "Next",
"next": "Air adhart",
"previous": "Previous",
"previous": "Air ais",
"open": "Open",
"open": "Fosgail",
"add": "Add",
"add": "Cuir ris",
"remove": "Remove",
"remove": "Thoir air falbh",
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"ok": "Ceart ma-thà",
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"continue": "Lean air adhart",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancel": "Sguir dheth",
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"discard": "Tilg air falbh",
"try_again": "Try Again",
"try_again": "Feuch ris a-rithist",
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"take_photo": "Tog dealbh",
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"save_photo": "Sàbhail an dealbh",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"copy_photo": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen dealbh",
"sign_in": "Sign In",
"sign_in": "Clàraich a-steach",
"sign_up": "Sign Up",
"sign_up": "Clàraich leinn",
"see_more": "See More",
"see_more": "Seall a bharrachd",
"preview": "Preview",
"preview": "Ro-sheall",
"share": "Share",
"share": "Co-roinn",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_user": "Co-roinn %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
"share_post": "Co-roinn am post",
"open_in_safari": "Open in Safari",
"open_in_safari": "Fosgail ann an Safari",
"find_people": "Find people to follow",
"find_people": "Lorg daoine a leanas tu",
"manually_search": "Manually search instead",
"manually_search": "Lorg a làimh ’na àite",
"skip": "Skip",
"skip": "Leum thairis air",
"reply": "Reply",
"reply": "Freagair",
"report_user": "Report %s",
"report_user": "Dèan gearan mu %s",
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"block_domain": "Bac %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"unblock_domain": "Dì-bhac %s",
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"delete": "Sguab às"
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"compose_new_post": "Sgrìobh post ùr",
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"open_settings": "Fosgail na roghainnean"
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"open_author_profile": "Fosgail pròifil an ùghdair",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Open Reblogger's Profile",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Fosgail pròifil an neach-brosnachaidh",
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"reply_status": "Freagair do phost",
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"toggle_reblog": "Toglaich brosnachadh a’ phuist",
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"toggle_favorite": "Toglaich annsachd a’ phuist",
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"toggle_content_warning": "Toglaich rabhadh susbainte a’ phuist",
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"show_post": "Show Post",
"show_post": "Seall am post",
"show_user_profile": "Show user profile",
"show_user_profile": "Seall pròifil a’ chleachdaiche",
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"content_warning": "Rabhadh susbainte",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"media_content_warning": "Thoir gnogag àite sam bith gus a nochdadh",
"poll": {
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"vote": "Cuir bhòt",
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"time_left": "%s air fhàgail",
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"reply": "Freagair",
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"unreblog": "Undo reblog",
"unreblog": "Na brosnaich tuilleadh",
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"favorite": "Cuir ris na h-annsachdan",
"unfavorite": "Unfavorite",
"unfavorite": "Thoir air falbh o na h-annsachdan",
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"load_missing_posts": "Luchdaich postaichean a dhìth",
"loading_missing_posts": "Loading missing posts...",
"loading_missing_posts": "A’ luchdadh nam post a tha a dhìth…",
"show_more_replies": "Show more replies"
"show_more_replies": "Seall barrachd freagairtean"
"header": {
"header": {
"no_status_found": "No Post Found",
"no_status_found": "Cha deach post a lorg",
"blocking_warning": "You can’t view this user's profile\n until you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"blocking_warning": "Chan fhaic thu pròifil a’ chleachdaiche seo\n gus an dì-bhac thu iad.\nSeo an coltas a th’ air a’ phròifil agad dhaibh-san.",
"user_blocking_warning": "You can’t view %s’s profile\n until you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"user_blocking_warning": "Chan fhaic thu a’ phròifil aig %s\n gus an dì-bhac thu iad.\nSeo an coltas a th’ air a’ phròifil agad dhaibh-san.",
"blocked_warning": "You can’t view this user’s profile\n until they unblock you.",
"blocked_warning": "Chan fhaic thu pròifil a’ chleachdaiche seo\n mus dì-bhac iad thu.",
"user_blocked_warning": "You can’t view %s’s profile\n until they unblock you.",
"user_blocked_warning": "Chan fhaic thu a’ phròifil aig %s\n mus dì-bhac iad thu.",
"suspended_warning": "This user has been suspended.",
"suspended_warning": "Chaidh an cleachdaiche seo a chur à rèim.",
"user_suspended_warning": "%s’s account has been suspended."
"user_suspended_warning": "Chaidh an cunntas aig %s a chur à rèim."
"accessibility": {
"accessibility": {
"count_replies": "%s replies",
"count_replies": "%s replies",
@ -198,76 +198,76 @@
"scene": {
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"welcome": {
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands."
"slogan": "A’ cur nan lìonraidhean sòisealta\n’nad làmhan fhèin."
"server_picker": {
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick a server,\nany server.",
"title": "Tagh frithealaiche sam bith.",
"button": {
"button": {
"category": {
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all": "Na h-uile",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Roinn-seòrsa: Na h-uile",
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"tech": "teicneolas"
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"see_less": "Seall nas lugha",
"see_more": "See More"
"see_more": "Seall a bharrachd"
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"label": {
"language": "LANGUAGE",
"language": "CÀNAN",
"users": "USERS",
"category": "CATEGORY"
"category": "ROINN-SEÒRSA"
"input": {
"input": {
"placeholder": "Find a server or join your own..."
"placeholder": "Lorg frithealaiche no gabh pàirt san fhear agad fhèin…"
"empty_state": {
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"finding_servers": "A’ lorg nam frithealaichean ri am faighinn…",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"bad_network": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh an dàta. Thoir sùil air a’ cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon.",
"no_results": "No results"
"no_results": "Gun toradh"
"register": {
"register": {
"title": "Tell us about you.",
"title": "Innis dhuinn mu do dhèidhinn.",
"input": {
"input": {
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"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"delete": "Sguab às"
"username": {
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"placeholder": "ainm-cleachdaiche",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"duplicate_prompt": "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo aig cuideigin eile."
"display_name": {
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
"placeholder": "ainm-taisbeanaidh"
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"email": {
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"placeholder": "post-d"
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"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"placeholder": "facal-faire",
"hint": "Your password needs at least eight characters"
"hint": "Feumaidh ochd caractaran a bhith san fhacal-fhaire agad air a char as giorra"
"invite": {
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Why do you want to join?"
"registration_user_invite_request": "Carson a bu mhiann leat ballrachd fhaighinn?"
"error": {
"error": {
"item": {
"item": {
"username": "Username",
"username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche",
"email": "Email",
"email": "Post-d",
"password": "Password",
"password": "Facal-faire",
"agreement": "Agreement",
"agreement": "Aonta",
"locale": "Locale",
"locale": "Locale",
"reason": "Reason"
"reason": "Adhbhar"
"reason": {
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
Reference in New Issue