"please_try_again_later":"Silakan coba lagi nanti."
"title":"Sign Up Failure"
"title":"Kesalahan Server"
"title":"Vote Failure",
"poll_ended":"Japat telah berakhir"
"title":"Hapus Draf",
"message":"Confirm to discard composed post content."
"title":"Publish Failure",
"message":"Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
"video_attach_with_photo":"Tidak dapat melampirkan video di postingan yang sudah mengandung gambar.",
"more_than_one_video":"Tidak dapat melampirkan lebih dari satu video."
"title":"Edit Profile Error",
"message":"Tidak dapat menyunting profil. Harap coba lagi."
"message":"Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar?",
"title":"Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %s? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"block_entire_domain":"Blokir Domain"
"title":"Save Photo Failure",
"message":"Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo."
"title":"Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus postingan ini?",
"message":"Are you sure you want to delete this post?"
"show_more_replies":"Tampilkan lebih banyak balasan"
"no_status_found":"No Post Found",
"blocking_warning":"You can’t view this user's profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"user_blocking_warning":"You can’t view %s’s profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"blocked_warning":"You can’t view this user’s profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"user_blocked_warning":"You can’t view %s’s profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"suspended_warning":"This user has been suspended.",
"user_suspended_warning":"%s’s account has been suspended."
"slogan":"Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started":"Get Started",
"log_in":"Log In"
"title":"Pilih sebuah server,\nserver manapun.",
"subtitle":"Pick a server based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one.",
"subtitle_extend":"Pick a server based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one. Each server is operated by an entirely independent organization or individual.",
"all_accessiblity_description":"Kategori: Semua",
"see_less":"Lihat Lebih Sedikit",
"see_more":"Lihat Lebih Banyak"
"placeholder":"Search servers",
"search_servers_or_enter_url":"Search communities or enter URL"
"finding_servers":"Mencari server yang tersedia...",
"bad_network":"Sesuatu yang salah terjadi ketika memuat data. Periksa koneksi internet Anda.",
"no_results":"Tak ada hasil"
"title":"Beritahu kami tentang diri Anda.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain":"Let’s get you set up on %s",
"placeholder":"nama pengguna",
"duplicate_prompt":"Nama pengguna ini sudah diambil."
"placeholder":"display name"
"placeholder":"kata sandi",
"require":"Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit":"8 characters",
"hint":"Kata sandi Anda harus memiliki sekurang-kurangnya delapan karakter"
"registration_user_invite_request":"Mengapa Anda ingin bergabung?"
"username":"Nama pengguna",
"password":"Kata sandi",
"blocked":"%s mengandung penyedia surel yang dilarang",
"unreachable":"%s sepertinya tidak ada",
"taken":"%s sudah digunakan",
"reserved":"%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted":"%s harus diterima",
"blank":"%s diperlukan",
"invalid":"%s tidak valid",
"too_long":"%s terlalu panjang",
"too_short":"%s terlalu pendek",
"inclusion":"%s is not a supported value"
"username_invalid":"Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores",
"username_too_long":"Nama pengguna terlalu panjang (tidak boleh lebih dari 30 karakter)",
"email_invalid":"Ini bukan alamat surel yang valid",
"password_too_short":"Kata sandi terlalu pendek (harus sekurang-kurangnya 8 karakter)"
"title":"Beberapa aturan dasar.",
"subtitle":"Peraturan ini ditetapkan oleh admin %s.",
"prompt":"By continuing, you’re subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %s.",
"terms_of_service":"kebijakan layanan",
"privacy_policy":"kebijakan privasi",
"confirm":"Saya Setuju"
"title":"Satu hal lagi.",
"subtitle":"Kami baru saja mengirim sebuah surel ke %s,\nketuk tautannya untuk mengkonfirmasi akun Anda.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account":"Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"open_email_app":"Buka Aplikasi Surel",
"title":"Periksa surel Anda",
"description":"Periksa apakah surel Anda benar dan juga folder junk Anda jika belum memeriksanya.",
"resend_email":"Kirim Ulang Surel"
"title":"Periksa kotak masuk Anda.",
"description":"Kami baru saja mengirimkan Anda sebuah surel. Periksa folder junk Anda jika Anda belum memeriksanya.",
"open_email_client":"Open Email Client"
"new_posts":"Lihat postingan baru",
"Publishing":"Mempublikasikan postingan...",
"logo_label":"Logo Button",
"logo_hint":"Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"title":"Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain":"Ketika Anda mengikuti seseorang, Anda akan melihat postingan mereka di beranda Anda."
"new_post":"Postingan Baru",
"new_reply":"New Reply"
"camera":"Take Photo",
"photo_library":"Photo Library",
"content_input_placeholder":"Ketik atau tempel apa yang Anda pada pikiran Anda",
"replying_to_user":"membalas %s",
"attachment_broken":"%s ini rusak dan tidak dapat diunggah ke Mastodon.",
"description_photo":"Jelaskan fotonya untuk mereka yang tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas...",
"description_video":"Jelaskan videonya untuk mereka yang tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas..."
"duration_time":"Durasi: %s",
"thirty_minutes":"30 menit",
"one_hour":"1 Jam",
"six_hours":"6 Jam",
"one_day":"1 Hari",
"three_days":"3 Hari",
"seven_days":"7 Hari",
"option_number":"Option %ld"
"placeholder":"Tulis peringatan yang akurat di sini..."
"content1":"Apakah ada postingan lain yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke laporannya?",
"content2":"Ada yang moderator harus tahu tentang laporan ini?",
"report_sent_title":"Thanks for reporting, we’ll look into this.",
"send":"Kirim Laporan",
"skip_to_send":"Kirim tanpa komentar",
"text_placeholder":"Ketik atau tempel komentar tambahan",
"step_1_of_4":"Step 1 of 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post":"What's wrong with this post?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account":"What's wrong with this account?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username":"What's wrong with %s?",
"select_the_best_match":"Select the best match",
"i_dont_like_it":"I don’t like it",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see":"It is not something you want to see",
"its_spam":"It’s spam",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies":"Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies",
"it_violates_server_rules":"It violates server rules",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules":"You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"its_something_else":"It’s something else",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories":"The issue does not fit into other categories"
"step_2_of_4":"Step 2 of 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated":"Which rules are being violated?",
"select_all_that_apply":"Select all that apply",
"i_just_don’t_like_it":"I just don’t like it"
"step_3_of_4":"Step 3 of 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report":"Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"select_all_that_apply":"Select all that apply"
"step_4_of_4":"Step 4 of 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know":"Is there anything else we should know?"
"dont_want_to_see_this":"Don’t want to see this?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.":"When you see something you don’t like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.",
"unfollow_user":"Unfollow %s",
"mute_user":"Mute %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted":"You won’t see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They won’t know they’ve been muted.",
"block_user":"Block %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked":"They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if they’ve been blocked.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user":"While we review this, you can take action against %s"
"close_preview":"Close Preview",
"show_next":"Show Next",
"show_previous":"Show Previous"
"tab_bar_hint":"Current selected profile: %s. Double tap then hold to show account switcher",