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2021-04-19 14:34:08 +02:00
// ReportViewModel.swift
// Mastodon
// Created by ihugo on 2021/4/19.
import Combine
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
import Foundation
import MastodonSDK
import UIKit
import os.log
class ReportViewModel: NSObject {
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typealias FileReportQuery = Mastodon.API.Reports.FileReportQuery
enum Step: Int {
case one
case two
// confirm set only once
weak var context: AppContext! { willSet { precondition(context == nil) } }
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var user: MastodonUser
var status: Status?
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var statusIDs = [Mastodon.Entity.Status.ID]()
var comment: String?
var reportQuery: FileReportQuery
var disposeBag = Set<AnyCancellable>()
let currentStep = CurrentValueSubject<Step, Never>(.one)
let statusFetchedResultsController: StatusFetchedResultsController
var diffableDataSource: UITableViewDiffableDataSource<ReportSection, Item>?
let continueEnableSubject = CurrentValueSubject<Bool, Never>(false)
let sendEnableSubject = CurrentValueSubject<Bool, Never>(false)
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struct Input {
let didToggleSelected: AnyPublisher<Item, Never>
let comment: AnyPublisher<String?, Never>
let step1Continue: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
let step1Skip: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
let step2Continue: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
let step2Skip: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
let cancel: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
struct Output {
let currentStep: AnyPublisher<Step, Never>
let continueEnableSubject: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never>
let sendEnableSubject: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never>
let reportResult: AnyPublisher<(Bool, Error?), Never>
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init(context: AppContext,
domain: String,
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user: MastodonUser,
status: Status?
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) {
self.context = context
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self.user = user
self.status = status
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self.statusFetchedResultsController = StatusFetchedResultsController(
managedObjectContext: context.managedObjectContext,
domain: domain,
additionalTweetPredicate: Status.notDeleted()
self.reportQuery = FileReportQuery(
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accountID: user.id,
2021-04-25 09:48:37 +02:00
statusIDs: [],
2021-04-19 14:34:08 +02:00
comment: nil,
forward: nil
func transform(input: Input?) -> Output? {
guard let input = input else { return nil }
guard let activeMastodonAuthenticationBox = context.authenticationService.activeMastodonAuthenticationBox.value else {
return nil
let domain = activeMastodonAuthenticationBox.domain
// data binding
bindData(input: input)
// step1 and step2 binding
bindForStep1(input: input)
let reportResult = bindForStep2(
2021-04-19 14:34:08 +02:00
input: input,
domain: domain,
activeMastodonAuthenticationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox
domain: domain,
2021-04-26 09:58:49 +02:00
accountId: self.user.id,
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authorizationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox
return Output(
currentStep: currentStep.eraseToAnyPublisher(),
continueEnableSubject: continueEnableSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher(),
sendEnableSubject: sendEnableSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher(),
reportResult: reportResult
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// MARK: - Private methods
func bindData(input: Input) {
input.didToggleSelected.sink { [weak self] (item) in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard case let .reportStatus(objectID, attribute) = item else { return }
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let managedObjectContext = self.statusFetchedResultsController.fetchedResultsController.managedObjectContext
guard let status = managedObjectContext.object(with: objectID) as? Status else {
attribute.isSelected = !attribute.isSelected
if attribute.isSelected {
self.append(statusID: status.id)
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} else {
self.remove(statusID: status.id)
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let continueEnable = self.statusIDs.count > 0
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.store(in: &disposeBag)
input.comment.sink { [weak self] (comment) in
guard let self = self else { return }
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self.comment = comment
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let sendEnable = (comment?.length ?? 0) > 0
.store(in: &disposeBag)
func bindForStep1(input: Input) {
let skip = input.step1Skip.map { [weak self] value -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return value }
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return value
let step1Continue = input.step1Continue.map { [weak self] value -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return value }
self.reportQuery.statusIDs = self.statusIDs
return value
Publishers.Merge(skip, step1Continue)
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.sink { [weak self] _ in
self?.currentStep.value = .two
.store(in: &disposeBag)
func bindForStep2(input: Input, domain: String, activeMastodonAuthenticationBox: AuthenticationService.MastodonAuthenticationBox) -> AnyPublisher<(Bool, Error?), Never> {
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let skip = input.step2Skip.map { [weak self] value -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return value }
self.reportQuery.comment = nil
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return value
let step2Continue = input.step2Continue.map { [weak self] value -> Void in
guard let self = self else { return value }
self.reportQuery.comment = self.comment
return value
return Publishers.Merge(skip, step2Continue)
.flatMap { [weak self] (_) -> AnyPublisher<(Bool, Error?), Never> in
guard let self = self else {
return Empty(completeImmediately: true).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return self.context.apiService.report(
2021-04-19 14:34:08 +02:00
domain: domain,
query: self.reportQuery,
mastodonAuthenticationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox
.map({ (content) -> (Bool, Error?) in
return (true, nil)
.tryCatch({ (error) -> AnyPublisher<(Bool, Error?), Never> in
return Just((false, error)).eraseToAnyPublisher()
// to covert to AnyPublisher<(Bool, Error?), Never>
.replaceError(with: (false, nil))
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func append(statusID: Mastodon.Entity.Status.ID) {
guard self.statusIDs.contains(statusID) != true else { return }
func remove(statusID: String) {
guard let index = self.statusIDs.firstIndex(of: statusID) else { return }
self.statusIDs.remove(at: index)
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