
402 lines
11 KiB

import jetpack from 'fs-jetpack';
import randomstring from 'randomstring';
import path from 'path';
import prisma from '../structures/database';
import { utc } from 'moment';
import Zip from 'adm-zip';
import { generateThumbnails, getFileThumbnail, removeThumbs } from './ThumbUtil';
// import { getStats } from './StatsGenerator';
import type { FastifyRequest, FastifyReply } from 'fastify';
import type { File, ExtendedFile, ExtendedFileWithData, Album, User, Settings } from '../structures/interfaces';
// TODO: Check that importing the log function works for routes and CLI (generateThumbs.ts)
import { log } from '../main';
export { generateThumbnails } from './ThumbUtil';
export { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
const preserveExtensions = ['.tar.gz', '.tar.z', '.tar.bz2', '.tar.lzma', '.tar.lzo', '.tar.xz'];
export const uploadPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../', 'uploads');
export const statsLastSavedTime = null;
export const _config = null;
TODO: Ask crawl how to properly type this.
I want that if I call getConfig() to know the properties that will come back and their types
to use them in nuxt.ts for example
export const getConfig = async () => {
const config = await prisma.settings.findMany();
return config.reduce((conf, item) => {
if (typeof item.value === 'string') {
conf[item.key] = JSON.parse(item.value);
} else {
conf[item.key] = item.value;
return config;
}, {} as Record<string, any>) as Settings;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
export const getEnvironmentDefaults = () => ({
domain: process.env.DOMAIN,
routePrefix: '/api',
rateLimitWindow: process.env.RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW ?? 2,
rateLimitMax: process.env.RATE_LIMIT_MAX ?? 5,
secret: process.env.SECRET ?? randomstring.generate(64),
serviceName: process.env.SERVICE_NAME ?? 'change-me',
chunkSize: process.env.CHUNK_SIZE ?? 90,
maxSize: process.env.MAX_SIZE ?? 5000,
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
generateZips: process.env.GENERATE_ZIPS == undefined ? true : false,
generatedFilenameLength: process.env.GENERATED_FILENAME_LENGTH ?? 12,
generatedAlbumLength: process.env.GENERATED_ALBUM_LENGTH ?? 6,
blockedExtensions: process.env.BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS ? process.env.BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS.split(',') : ['.jar', '.exe', '.msi', '.com', '.bat', '.cmd', '.scr', '.ps1', '.sh'],
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
publicMode: process.env.PUBLIC_MODE == undefined ? true : false,
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
userAccounts: process.env.USER_ACCOUNTS == undefined ? true : false,
metaThemeColor: process.env.META_THEME_COLOR ?? '#20222b',
metaDescription: process.env.META_DESCRIPTION ?? 'Blazing fast file uploader and bunker written in node! 🚀',
metaKeywords: process.env.META_KEYWORDS ?? 'chibisafe,lolisafe,upload,uploader,file,vue,images,ssr,file uploader,free',
metaTwitterHandle: process.env.META_TWITTER_HANDLE ?? '@your-handle',
backgroundImageURL: process.env.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URL ?? '',
logoURL: process.env.LOGO_URL ?? '',
statisticsCron: process.env.STATISTICS_CRON ?? '0 0 * * * *',
enabledStatistics: process.env.ENABLED_STATISTICS ? process.env.ENABLED_STATISTICS.split(',') : ['system', 'fileSystems', 'uploads', 'users', 'albums'],
savedStatistics: process.env.SAVED_STATISTICS ? process.env.SAVED_STATISTICS.split(',') : ['system', 'fileSystems', 'uploads', 'users', 'albums']
} as Settings);
export const wipeConfigDb = async () => {
try {
await prisma.settings.deleteMany();
} catch (error) {
export const writeConfigToDb = async (config: { key: string; value: string | number | string[] | boolean }) => {
if (!config.key) return;
try {
const data = {
key: config.key,
value: JSON.stringify(config.value)
await prisma.settings.create({
} catch (error) {
export const isExtensionBlocked = async (extension: string) => (await getConfig()).blockedExtensions.includes(extension);
export const getMimeFromType = (fileTypeMimeObj: Record<string, null>) => fileTypeMimeObj.mime;
export const getUniqueFilename = (extension: string) => {
const retry: any = async (i = 0) => {
const filename = randomstring.generate({
length: (await getConfig()).generatedFilenameLength,
capitalization: 'lowercase'
}) + extension;
// TODO: Change this to look for the file in the db instead of in the filesystem
const exists = jetpack.exists(path.join(uploadPath, filename));
if (!exists) return filename;
if (i < 5) return retry(i + 1);
log.error('Couldnt allocate identifier for file');
return null;
return retry();
export const getUniqueAlbumIdentifier = () => {
const retry: any = async (i = 0) => {
const identifier = randomstring.generate({
length: (await getConfig()).generatedAlbumLength,
capitalization: 'lowercase'
const exists = await prisma.links.findFirst({
where: {
if (!exists) return identifier;
It's funny but if you do i++ the asignment never gets done resulting in an infinite loop
if (i < 5) return retry(i + 1);
log.error('Couldnt allocate identifier for album');
return null;
return retry();
export const getFilenameFromPath = (fullPath: string) => fullPath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
export const deleteFile = async (filename: string, deleteFromDB = false) => {
const thumbName = getFileThumbnail(filename);
try {
await jetpack.removeAsync(path.join(uploadPath, filename));
if (thumbName) await removeThumbs(thumbName);
if (deleteFromDB) {
await prisma.files.deleteMany({
where: {
name: filename
} catch (error) {
log.error(`There was an error removing the file < ${filename} >`);
export const deleteAllFilesFromAlbum = async (id: number) => {
try {
const fileAlbums = await prisma.albumsFiles.findMany({
where: {
albumId: id
select: {
fileId: true
for (const fileAlbum of fileAlbums) {
const file = await prisma.files.findUnique({
where: {
id: fileAlbum.fileId
if (!file?.name) continue;
await deleteFile(file.name, true);
} catch (error) {
export const deleteAllFilesFromUser = async (id: number) => {
try {
const files = await prisma.files.findMany({
where: {
userId: id
for (const file of files) {
await deleteFile(file.name, true);
} catch (error) {
export const deleteAllFilesFromTag = async (id: number) => {
try {
const fileTags = await prisma.fileTags.findMany({
where: {
tagId: id
for (const fileTag of fileTags) {
const file = await prisma.files.findFirst({
where: {
id: fileTag.fileId
select: {
name: true
if (!file) continue;
await deleteFile(file.name, true);
} catch (error) {
export const createZip = (files: string[], album: Album) => {
try {
const zip = new Zip();
for (const file of files) {
zip.addLocalFile(path.join(uploadPath, file));
path.join(__dirname, '../../../', 'uploads', 'zips', `${album.userId}-${album.id}.zip`)
} catch (error) {
export const constructFilePublicLink = (req: FastifyRequest, file: File) => {
TODO: This wont work without a reverse proxy serving both
the site and the API under the same domain. Pls fix.
const extended: ExtendedFile = { ...file };
const host = getHost(req);
extended.url = `${host}/${extended.name}`;
const { thumb, preview } = getFileThumbnail(extended.name) ?? {};
if (thumb) {
extended.thumb = `${host}/thumbs/${thumb}`;
extended.thumbSquare = `${host}/thumbs/square/${thumb}`;
extended.preview = preview && `${host}/thumbs/preview/${preview}`;
return extended;
export const fileExists = (req: FastifyRequest, res: FastifyReply, exists: File, filename: string) => {
const file = constructFilePublicLink(req, exists);
void res.send({
message: 'Successfully uploaded the file.',
name: file.name,
hash: file.hash,
size: file.size,
url: file.url,
thumb: file.thumb,
deleteUrl: `${getHost(req)}/api/file/${file.id}`,
repeated: true
return deleteFile(filename);
export const storeFileToDb = async (req: FastifyRequest, res: FastifyReply, user: User, file: ExtendedFileWithData) => {
const dbFile = await prisma.files.findFirst({
where: {
hash: file.data.hash,
size: file.data.size,
userId: user.id ? user.id : undefined
if (dbFile) {
await fileExists(req, res, dbFile, file.data.filename);
const now = utc().toDate();
const data = {
userId: user.id ? user.id : undefined,
name: file.data.filename,
original: file.data.originalName,
type: file.data.mimeType,
size: file.data.size,
hash: file.data.hash,
ip: req.ip,
createdAt: now,
editedAt: now
void generateThumbnails(file.data.filename);
const fileId = await prisma.files.create({
return {
file: data,
id: fileId.id
export const saveFileToAlbum = async (albumId: number, insertedId: number) => {
if (!albumId) return;
const now = utc().toDate();
try {
await prisma.albumsFiles.create({
data: {
fileId: insertedId
await prisma.albums.update({
where: {
id: albumId
data: {
editedAt: now
} catch (error) {
export const getExtension = (filename: string) => {
// Always return blank string if the filename does not seem to have a valid extension
// Files such as .DS_Store (anything that starts with a dot, without any extension after) will still be accepted
if (!/\../.test(filename)) return '';
let lower = filename.toLowerCase(); // due to this, the returned extname will always be lower case
let multi = '';
let extname = '';
// check for multi-archive extensions (.001, .002, and so on)
if (/\.\d{3}$/.test(lower)) {
multi = lower.slice(lower.lastIndexOf('.') - lower.length);
lower = lower.slice(0, lower.lastIndexOf('.'));
// check against extensions that must be preserved
for (const extPreserve of preserveExtensions) {
if (lower.endsWith(extPreserve)) {
extname = extPreserve;
if (!extname) {
extname = lower.slice(lower.lastIndexOf('.') - lower.length); // path.extname(lower)
return extname + multi;
// TODO: Allow choosing what to save to db and what stats we care about in general
// TODO: if a stat is not saved to db but selected to be shows on the dashboard, it will be generated during the request
export const saveStatsToDb = async (force: boolean) => {
// If there were no changes since the instance started, don't generate new stats
// OR
// if we alredy saved a stats to the db, and there were no new changes to the db since then
// skip generating and saving new stats.
if (!force &&
(!db.userParams.lastMutationTime ||
(Util.statsLastSavedTime && Util.statsLastSavedTime > db.userParams.lastMutationTime)
) {
const now = utc().toDate();
const stats = await getStats(db);
let batchId = 1;
const res = (await db('statistics').max({ lastBatch: 'batchId' }))[0];
if (res && res.lastBatch) {
batchId = res.lastBatch + 1;
try {
for (const [type, data] of Object.entries(stats)) {
await db.table('statistics').insert({ type, data: JSON.stringify(data), createdAt: now, batchId });
Util.statsLastSavedTime = now.getTime();
} catch (error) {
export const getHost = (req: FastifyRequest) => `${req.protocol}://${req.headers.host as string}`;