
301 lines
8.4 KiB

const path = require('path');
const jetpack = require('fs-jetpack');
const multer = require('multer');
const Util = require('../../utils/Util');
const Route = require('../../structures/Route');
const multerStorage = require('../../utils/multerStorage');
const chunksData = {};
const chunkedUploadsTimeout = 1800000;
const chunksDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../uploads/chunks');
const uploadDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../uploads');
const cleanUpChunks = async (uuid, onTimeout) => {
// Remove tmp file
await jetpack.removeAsync(path.join(chunksData[uuid].root, chunksData[uuid].filename))
.catch(error => {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') console.error(error);
// Remove UUID dir
await jetpack.removeAsync(chunksData[uuid].root);
// Delete cached chunks data
if (!onTimeout) chunksData[uuid].clearTimeout();
delete chunksData[uuid];
class ChunksData {
constructor(uuid, root) {
this.uuid = uuid;
this.root = root;
this.filename = 'tmp';
this.chunks = 0;
this.stream = null;
this.hasher = null;
onTimeout() {
if (this.stream && !this.stream.writableEnded) {
if (this.hasher) {
cleanUpChunks(this.uuid, true);
setTimeout(delay) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(this.onTimeout.bind(this), delay);
clearTimeout() {
if (this._timeout) {
const initChunks = async uuid => {
if (chunksData[uuid] === undefined) {
const root = path.join(chunksDir, uuid);
await jetpack.dirAsync(root);
chunksData[uuid] = new ChunksData(uuid, root);
return chunksData[uuid];
const executeMulter = multer({
// Guide: https://github.com/expressjs/multer#limits
limits: {
fileSize: Util.config.maxSize * (1000 * 1000),
// Maximum number of non-file fields.
// Dropzone.js will add 6 extra fields for chunked uploads.
// We don't use them for anything else.
fields: 6,
// Maximum number of file fields.
// Chunked uploads still need to provide ONLY 1 file field.
// Otherwise, only one of the files will end up being properly stored,
// and that will also be as a chunk.
files: 1
fileFilter(req, file, cb) {
file.extname = Util.getExtension(file.originalname);
if (Util.isExtensionBlocked(file.extname)) {
return cb(`${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`);
// Re-map Dropzone keys so people can manually use the API without prepending 'dz'
for (const key in req.body) {
if (!/^dz/.test(key)) continue;
req.body[key.replace(/^dz/, '')] = req.body[key];
delete req.body[key];
return cb(null, true);
storage: multerStorage({
destination(req, file, cb) {
// Is file a chunk!?
file._isChunk = req.body.uuid !== undefined && req.body.chunkindex !== undefined;
if (file._isChunk) {
.then(chunksData => {
file._chunksData = chunksData;
cb(null, chunksData.root);
.catch(error => {
return cb('Could not process the chunked upload. Try again?');
} else {
return cb(null, uploadDir);
filename(req, file, cb) {
if (file._isChunk) {
return cb(null, chunksData[req.body.uuid].filename);
const name = Util.getUniqueFilename(file.extname);
if (name) return cb(null, name);
return cb('ERROR');
const uploadFile = async (req, res) => {
const error = await new Promise(resolve => executeMulter(req, res, err => resolve(err)));
if (error) {
const suppress = [
if (suppress.includes(error.code)) {
throw error.toString();
} else {
throw error;
if (!req.files || !req.files.length) {
throw 'No files.'; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
// If the uploaded file is a chunk then just say that it was a success
const uuid = req.body.uuid;
if (chunksData[uuid] !== undefined) {
req.files.forEach(() => {
res.json({ success: true });
const infoMap = req.files.map(file => ({
path: path.join(uploadDir, file.filename),
data: { ...file, mimetype: Util.getMimeFromType(file.fileType) || file.mimetype || '' }
return infoMap[0];
const finishChunks = async req => {
const check = file => typeof file.uuid !== 'string' ||
!chunksData[file.uuid] ||
chunksData[file.uuid].chunks < 2;
const files = req.body.files;
if (!Array.isArray(files) || !files.length || files.some(check)) {
throw 'An unexpected error occurred.'; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
const infoMap = [];
try {
await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
// Close stream
if (chunksData[file.uuid].chunks > maxChunksCount) {
throw 'Too many chunks.'; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
file.extname = typeof file.original === 'string' ? Util.getExtension(file.original) : '';
file.fileType = chunksData[file.uuid].fileType;
file.mimetype = Util.getMimeFromType(chunksData[file.uuid].fileType) || file.mimetype || '';
if (Util.isExtensionBlocked(file.extname)) {
throw `${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
file.size = chunksData[file.uuid].stream.bytesWritten;
// Double-check file size
const tmpfile = path.join(chunksData[file.uuid].root, chunksData[file.uuid].filename);
const lstat = await jetpack.inspect(tmpfile);
if (lstat.size !== file.size) {
throw `File size mismatched (${lstat.size} vs. ${file.size}).`; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
// Generate name
const name = Util.getUniqueFilename(file.extname);
// Move tmp file to final destination
const destination = path.join(uploadDir, name);
await jetpack.move(tmpfile, destination);
const hash = chunksData[file.uuid].hasher.digest('hex');
// Continue even when encountering errors
await cleanUpChunks(file.uuid).catch(console.error);
const data = {
filename: name,
originalname: file.original || '',
extname: file.extname,
mimetype: file.mimetype,
size: file.size,
infoMap.push({ path: destination, data });
return infoMap[0];
} catch (error) {
// Dispose unfinished hasher and clean up leftover chunks
// Should continue even when encountering errors
files.forEach(file => {
if (chunksData[file.uuid] === undefined) return;
try {
if (chunksData[file.uuid].hasher) {
} catch (_) {}
// Re-throw error
throw error;
class uploadPOST extends Route {
constructor() {
super('/upload', 'post', {
bypassAuth: true,
canApiKey: true
async run(req, res, db) {
const user = await Util.isAuthorized(req);
if (!user && !Util.config.publicMode) return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Not authorized to use this resource' });
const { finishedchunks } = req.headers;
const albumId = req.headers.albumid ? req.headers.albumid === 'null' ? null : req.headers.albumid : null;
if (albumId && !user) return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Only registered users can upload files to an album' });
if (albumId && user) {
const album = await db.table('albums').where({ id: albumId, userId: user.id }).first();
if (!album) return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Album doesn\'t exist or it doesn\'t belong to the user' });
let file;
if (finishedchunks) {
file = await finishChunks(req, res);
} else {
// If nothing is returned we assume it was a chunk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
file = await uploadFile(req, res);
if (!file) return;
// If nothing is returned means the file was duplicated and we already sent the response
const result = await Util.storeFileToDb(req, res, user, file, db);
if (!result) return;
if (albumId) await Util.saveFileToAlbum(db, albumId, result.id);
result.file = Util.constructFilePublicLink(req, result.file);
result.deleteUrl = `${Util.getHost(req)}/api/file/${result.id[0]}`;
return res.status(201).send({
message: 'Sucessfully uploaded the file.',
url: result.file.url,
name: result.file.name,
hash: result.file.hash,
deleteUrl: result.deleteUrl,
size: result.file.size,
thumb: result.file.thumb
module.exports = uploadPOST;