/* eslint-disable no-console */ const randomstring = require('randomstring'); const jetpack = require('fs-jetpack'); const qoa = require('qoa'); qoa.config({ prefix: '>', underlineQuery: false }); async function start() { console.log(); console.log('You can manually edit .env file after the wizard to edit values'); console.log(); const wizard = [ { type: 'input', query: 'Port to run chibisafe in:', handle: 'SERVER_PORT' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Full domain this instance is gonna be running on (Ex: https://chibisafe.moe):', handle: 'DOMAIN' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Name of the service? (Ex: chibisafe):', handle: 'SERVICE_NAME' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Maximum allowed upload file size in MB (Ex: 100):', handle: 'MAX_SIZE' }, { type: 'confirm', query: 'Allow users to download entire albums in ZIP format?', handle: 'GENERATE_ZIPS', accept: 'y', deny: 'n' }, { type: 'confirm', query: 'Allow people to upload files without an account?', handle: 'PUBLIC_MODE', accept: 'y', deny: 'n' }, { type: 'confirm', query: 'Allow people to create new accounts?', handle: 'USER_ACCOUNTS', accept: 'y', deny: 'n' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Name of the admin account?', handle: 'ADMIN_ACCOUNT' }, { type: 'secure', query: 'Type a secure password for the admin account:', handle: 'ADMIN_PASSWORD' }, { type: 'interactive', query: 'Which predefined database do you want to use?', handle: 'DB_CLIENT', symbol: '>', menu: [ 'sqlite3', 'pg', 'mysql' ] }, { type: 'input', query: 'Database host (Ignore if you selected sqlite3):', handle: 'DB_HOST' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Database user (Ignore if you selected sqlite3):', handle: 'DB_USER' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Database password (Ignore if you selected sqlite3):', handle: 'DB_PASSWORD' }, { type: 'input', query: 'Database name (Ignore if you selected sqlite3):', handle: 'DB_DATABASE' } ]; const response = await qoa.prompt(wizard); let envfile = ''; const defaultSettings = { GENERATED_FILENAME_LENGTH: 12, GENERATED_ALBUM_LENGTH: 6, WEBSITE_PORT: 5001, SERVE_WITH_NODE: true, GENERATE_THUMBNAILS: true, CHUNK_SIZE: 90, ROUTE_PREFIX: '/api', RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW: 2, RATE_LIMIT_MAX: 5, BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS: ['.jar', '.exe', '.msi', '.com', '.bat', '.cmd', '.scr', '.ps1', '.sh'], UPLOAD_FOLDER: 'uploads', SECRET: randomstring.generate(64), MAX_LINKS_PER_ALBUM: 5, META_THEME_COLOR: '#20222b', META_DESCRIPTION: 'Blazing fast file uploader and bunker written in node! 🚀', META_KEYWORDS: 'chibisafe,lolisafe,upload,uploader,file,vue,images,ssr,file uploader,free', META_TWITTER_HANDLE: '@its_pitu' }; const allSettings = Object.assign(defaultSettings, response); const keys = Object.keys(allSettings); // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const item of keys) { envfile += `${item}=${allSettings[item]}\n`; } jetpack.write('.env', envfile); jetpack.dir('database'); console.log(); console.log('============================================='); console.log('== .env file generated successfully. =='); console.log('============================================='); console.log(); } start();