/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ const Route = require('../../structures/Route'); const Util = require('../../utils/Util'); class albumsGET extends Route { constructor() { super('/albums/mini', 'get', { canApiKey: true }); } async run(req, res, db, user) { /* Let's fetch the albums. This route will only return a small portion of the album files for displaying on the dashboard. It's probably useless for anyone consuming the API outside of the chibisafe frontend. */ const albums = await db .table('albums') .where('albums.userId', user.id) .select('id', 'name', 'nsfw', 'createdAt', 'editedAt') .orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'); for (const album of albums) { // Fetch the total amount of files each album has. const fileCount = await db // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop .table('albumsFiles') .where('albumId', album.id) .count({ count: 'id' }); // Fetch the file list from each album but limit it to 5 per album const files = await db // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop .table('albumsFiles') .join('files', { 'files.id': 'albumsFiles.fileId' }) .where('albumId', album.id) .select('files.id', 'files.name') .orderBy('albumsFiles.id', 'desc') .limit(5); // Fetch thumbnails and stuff for (let file of files) { file = Util.constructFilePublicLink(req, file); } album.fileCount = fileCount[0].count; album.files = files; } return res.json({ message: 'Successfully retrieved albums', albums }); } } class albumsDropdownGET extends Route { constructor() { super('/albums/dropdown', 'get', { canApiKey: true }); } async run(req, res, db, user) { const albums = await db .table('albums') .where('userId', user.id) .select('id', 'name'); return res.json({ message: 'Successfully retrieved albums', albums }); } } module.exports = [albumsGET, albumsDropdownGET];