const moment = require('moment'); const Route = require('../../structures/Route'); class albumPOST extends Route { constructor() { super('/album/new', 'post', { canApiKey: true }); } async run(req, res, db, user) { if (!req.body) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'No body provided' }); const { name } = req.body; if (!name) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'No name provided' }); /* Check that an album with that name doesn't exist yet */ const album = await db .table('albums') .where({ name, userId: }) .first(); if (album) return res.status(401).json({ message: "There's already an album with that name" }); const now = moment.utc().toDate(); const insertObj = { name, userId:, createdAt: now, editedAt: now }; const dbRes = await db .table('albums') .insert(insertObj) .returning('id') .wasMutated(); = dbRes.pop(); return res.json({ message: 'The album was created successfully', data: insertObj }); } } module.exports = albumPOST;