Fix up formatting in the sharex_file variable

This commit is contained in:
ScruffyRules 2017-10-06 17:10:06 +10:30
parent d367bc27fa
commit 9c07dda317
1 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -178,18 +178,18 @@ upload.prepareDropzone = function(){
upload.prepareShareX = function(){
if (upload.token) {
var sharex_element = document.getElementById("ShareX");
var sharex_file = "{ \
\"Name\": \"" + location.hostname + "\", \
\"DestinationType\": \"ImageUploader, FileUploader\", \
\"RequestType\": \"POST\", \
\"RequestURL\": \"" + location.origin + "/api/upload\", \
\"FileFormName\": \"files[]\", \
\"Headers\": { \
\"token\": \" " + upload.token + "\" \
}, \
\"ResponseType\": \"Text\", \
\"URL\": \"$json:files[0].url$\", \
\"ThumbnailURL\": \"$json:files[0].url$\" \
var sharex_file = "{\r\n\
\"Name\": \"" + location.hostname + "\",\r\n\
\"DestinationType\": \"ImageUploader, FileUploader\",\r\n\
\"RequestType\": \"POST\",\r\n\
\"RequestURL\": \"" + location.origin + "/api/upload\",\r\n\
\"FileFormName\": \"files[]\",\r\n\
\"Headers\": {\r\n\
\"token\": \" " + upload.token + "\"\r\n\
\"ResponseType\": \"Text\",\r\n\
\"URL\": \"$json:files[0].url$\",\r\n\
\"ThumbnailURL\": \"$json:files[0].url$\"\r\n\
var sharex_blob = new Blob([sharex_file], {type: "application/octet-binary"});
sharex_element.setAttribute("href", URL.createObjectURL(sharex_blob))