const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const log = console.log; const error =; //require('dotenv').config({ path: 'variables.env' }); mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; // It is necessary to explicitly declare the connection url or it will not work in production let mongodbUri = mongoose.connect('mongodb://YOUR MONGODB URL', { poolSize: 5, //Number of connections in the connection pool for each server instance, set to 5 as default for legacy reasons. reconnectTries: 240, //try to connect 60 times every few milliseconds, default 30 reconnectInterval: 900, //milliseconds autoReconnect: true, noDelay: true, loggerLevel: "error",//warn, info, debug. Default: "error" //appname: "RedMagic Corp." }); //mongoose.set('debug', true); const db = mongoose.connection; db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'MongoDB connection error:')); db.once('open', function () { log(chalk.hex('#FFEB3B')("You connected to the database without errors 👏 "),chalk.greenBright( "😁"))}); // 1 speed process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason); // application specific logging, throwing an error, or other logic here }); const start = require('./app'); // Start the server /* app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 9000); const server = app.listen(app.get('port'), () => log(chalk.underline.hex('#DEADED')('Server is listening music on port:'), chalk.hex('#4CAF50')(`\uD83C\uDF0F http://localhost:${port} 🎶`))); */ start.set('port', process.env.PORT || 9000); const server = start.listen(start.get('port'), () => { log(chalk.underline.hex('#DEADED')('Server is listening music on port:'), chalk.hex('#4CAF50')(`\uD83C\uDF0F PORT → ${server.address().port} 🎶`)); //console.log(`Express running → PORT ${server.address().port}`); });