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package com.collibra.server;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
* A simple protocol for exchanging messages between a server and clients.
* @version 1.0
* @author Yordan Kirov
* @since 21/11/2018
class SimpleProtocol {
* Sends a first message to every client that connects to the server.
* @param out the PrintWriter with which the server sends messages to the client.
* @param sessionId identification of the session with the current client.
public static void sendFirstMessage(PrintWriter out, String sessionId) {
out.println("HI, I'M " + sessionId);
* Extracts and validates the name of the connected client from its first message.
* The server expects a message starting with "HI, I'M " and followed by the name of the client.
* If the client doesn't fulfil the server expectations, by sending the wrong command or sending
* a clientName that is non alphanumeric plus the character "-", the server is awaiting for the client to give a
* proper name and doesn't accept other commands before that.
* @param out the PrintWriter with which the sever sends messages to the client.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return clientName - the name of the client if it is valid, otherwise returns null;
public static String retrieveClientName(PrintWriter out, String message) {
String clientName;
if (message.contains("HI, I'M ")) {
String unvalidatedClientName = message.replace("HI, I'M ", "");
if (isValidName(unvalidatedClientName)) {
clientName = unvalidatedClientName;
System.out.println("Connected client: " + clientName);
out.println("HI " + clientName);
return clientName;
return null;
* Sends a message to the client before disconnecting.
* The message includes the name of the client and the duration of the connection.
* @param out the PrintWriter with which the sever sends messages to the client.
* @param clientName the name of the connected client.
* @param startTime the time in milliseconds when the client connected.
public static void sendGoodbyeMessage(PrintWriter out, String clientName, long startTime) {
if (out != null) {
System.out.println("GOODBYE MESSAGE!" + clientName);
long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long duration = stopTime - startTime;
out.println("BYE " + clientName + ", WE SPOKE FOR " + duration + " MS");
* Adds a node (as a string) to the GRAPH.
* When the name of the node is only including alphanumeric character,
* plus the character "-" and the node doesn't already exist.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return returns an error message if the node already exists
* or success message if the node has been successfully added.
public static String addNode(String message) {
String nodeName = message.replace("ADD NODE ", "");
if (!isValidName(nodeName)) {
return unsupportedCommand();
if (!Server.GRAPH.containsNode(nodeName)) {
return "NODE ADDED";
} else {
* Adds a directed edge to the GRAPH.
* A directed edge has three parts, node from which it points, node to which it points
* and weight which is a positive integer.
* When the names of the nodes between the edge is are already existing and
* the format of the command is valid and the weight is a positive integer.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return returns an error message if the the edge can't be added
* or success message if the edge has been successfully added.
public static String addEdge(String message) {
String edgeString = message.replace("ADD EDGE ", "");
String[] edgeParts = edgeString.split(" ");
if (!isValidEdge(edgeParts)) {
return unsupportedCommand();
String fromName = edgeParts[0];
String toName = edgeParts[1];
if (Server.GRAPH.containsNode(fromName) && Server.GRAPH.containsNode(toName)) {
int weight = Integer.valueOf(edgeParts[2]);
Server.GRAPH.addEdge(fromName, toName, weight);
return "EDGE ADDED";
* Removes a node from the GRAPH, only when the node is already existing.
* All edges that are linked to the removed node will also be removed.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return returns an error message if the node doesn't exist
* or success message if the node has been successfully removed.
public static String removeNode(String message) {
String nodeName = message.replace("REMOVE NODE ", "");
if (Server.GRAPH.containsNode(nodeName)) {
return "NODE REMOVED";
} else {
* Removes all directed edges from the GRAPH when the command is valid
* and the both nodes that form the graph are existing.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return returns an error message if the command is invalid or the nodes between the graph aren't existing.
* Returns a success message if the edges have been successfully removed.
public static String removeEdge(String message) {
String edgeString = message.replace("REMOVE EDGE ", "");
String[] edgeParts = edgeString.split(" ");
if (edgeParts.length != 2) {
return unsupportedCommand();
String fromName = edgeParts[0];
String toName = edgeParts[1];
if (Server.GRAPH.containsNode(fromName) && Server.GRAPH.containsNode(toName)) {
Server.GRAPH.removeEdge(fromName, toName);
return "EDGE REMOVED";
* Calculates the sum of the weights of the shortest path between two nodes in the GRAPH,
* when the input of the command is valid and the nodes exist in the GRAPH.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return the sum of the weights of the shortest path between two nodes.
* Returns an error message if the command is invalid or the nodes of the GRAPH aren't existing.
public static String getShortestPath(String message) {
String fromAndTo = message.replace("SHORTEST PATH ", "");
String[] fromTo = fromAndTo.split(" ");
if (fromTo.length != 2) {
return unsupportedCommand();
String from = fromTo[0];
String to = fromTo[1];
if (Server.GRAPH.containsNode(from) && Server.GRAPH.containsNode(to)) {
return String.valueOf(Server.GRAPH.getShortestPathDistance(from, to));
* Finds all the nodes that are closer to a node from the client message than the given weight.
* For example:
* Simple graph: Mark -­ 5 -­> Michael -­ 2 -­> Madeleine -­ 8 -­> Mufasa
* Would return: Madeleine,Michael
* Because Michael is at weight 5 from Mark and Madeleine is at weight 7 (5+2) from Mark.
* @param message received from a client.
* @return a comma separated list(no spaces) of found nodes, that are closer to a node from the client message,
* sorted alphabetically by name, not including the starting node.
* Returns an error message if the command is invalid or the node of the GRAPH isn't existing.
public static String getCloserThan(String message) {
String weightAndNode = message.replace("CLOSER THAN ", "");
String[] weightNode = weightAndNode.split(" ");
if (weightNode.length != 2 || !isValidWeightString(weightNode[0])) {
return unsupportedCommand();
int weight = Integer.valueOf(weightNode[0]);
String nodeName = weightNode[1];
if (Server.GRAPH.containsNode(nodeName)) {
String path = Server.GRAPH.getNodesCloserThan(weight, nodeName);
return path;
* Returns string for unsupported command.
* @return string for unsupported command.
public static String unsupportedCommand() {
private static boolean isValidEdge(String[] input) {
if (input.length != 3) {
return false;
String weightString = input[2];
boolean isValidWeightString = isValidWeightString(weightString);
return isValidWeightString;
private static boolean isValidWeightString(String weightString) {
return weightString.length() > 0 &&
private static boolean isValidName(String input) {
return input.matches("[A-Za-z0-9-]+");