package com.collibra.server; import java.util.*; import; /** * Directed weighted graph, to which nodes and edges can be added, and removed asynchronically. * Some calculations can be made like getting the shortest path and retrieving all the nodes * that are closer to node X than the given weight. * For the calculations an implementation of the algorithm of Dijkstra with a priority queue is used. * * @param The type of the nodes in the graph. * @version 1.0 * @author Yordan Kirov * @since 21/11/2018 */ class Graph { /** A list of all nodes of the graph */ private final ArrayList nodes; /** A list of all edges of the graph */ private final ArrayList edges; /** Constructor initializing the lists of nodes or edges */ public Graph() { this.nodes = new ArrayList<>(); this.edges = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Checks if a given node exist in the GRAPH. * @param name the name of the node * @return Indicates whether a node exists in the GRAPH. */ public boolean containsNode(Node name) { return this.nodes.contains(name); } /** * Adds a node to the graph. * The method is synchronized. * @param name the name of the node * @return Indicates whether a node exists in the GRAPH. */ public synchronized void addNode(Node name) { nodes.add(name); } /** * Removes a node by the name of it and also removes all edges which are connected to it. * The method is synchronized. * @param name the name of the node to be removed. */ public synchronized void removeNode(Node name) { nodes.remove(name); edges.removeIf(edge -> edge.getTo().equals(name) || edge.getFrom().equals(name)); } /** * Adds a directed edge to the GRAPH. * The method is synchronized. * @param from the node which is the tail of the edge. * @param to the node which is the head of the edge. * @param weight the weight of the edge. Should be a positive integer. */ public synchronized void addEdge(Node from, Node to, int weight) { Edge edge = new Edge(from, to, weight); this.edges.add(edge); } /** * Removes all directed edges from the GRAPH which are having the same tail node and head node. * The method is synchronized. * @param from the node which is the tail of the edge. * @param to the node which is the head of the edge. */ public synchronized void removeEdge(String from, String to) { this.edges.removeIf(edge -> edge.getFrom().equals(from) && edge.getTo().equals(to)); } /** * Calculates the sum of the weights of the shortest path between two nodes in the GRAPH. * The method is synchronized. * @param from source node. * @param to target node. * @return the sum of the weights of the shortest path between two nodes in the GRAPH. * If there is no path between the nodes Integer.MAX_VALUE is returned. */ public synchronized int getShortestPathDistance(Node from, Node to) { Map distances = getShortestPathDistances(from); return distances.get(to); } /** * Finds all the nodes that are closer to a node from the client message than the given weight. * * For example: * Simple graph: Mark -­ 5 -­> Michael -­ 2 -­> Madeleine -­ 8 -­> Mufasa * CLOSER THAN 8 Mark * Would return: Madeleine,Michael * Because Michael is at weight 5 from Mark and Madeleine is at weight 7 (5+2) from Mark. * * @param distance the max distance (sum of weight) from the source node for which the closer nodes will be listed. * @param source the node from which the search will start. * @return a comma separated list(no spaces) of found nodes, that are closer to a node from the client message, * sorted alphabetically by name, not including the source node. */ public synchronized String getNodesCloserThan(int distance, Node source) { Map distances = getShortestPathDistances(source); List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry nodeToDistance : distances.entrySet()) { if (nodeToDistance.getValue() < distance && !nodeToDistance.getKey().equals(source)) { nodes.add(nodeToDistance.getKey().toString()); } } String nodeNames =",")); return nodeNames; } private int getSmallestWeight(Node from, Node to) { int weight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Edge e : edges) { if (e.getFrom().equals(from) && e.getTo().equals(to)) { if (weight > e.getWeight()) { weight = e.getWeight(); } } } return weight; } private List getNeighbours(Node from) { List neighbours = new ArrayList<>(); for (Edge e : edges) { if (e.getFrom().equals(from) && !neighbours.contains(e.getTo())) { neighbours.add(e.getTo()); } } return neighbours; } private Map getShortestPathDistances(Node source) { Map distances = new HashMap<>(); distances.put(source, 0); for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.equals(source)) { distances.put(node, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } PriorityQueue queue = new PriorityQueue<>(); queue.add(new PrioritisedNode(source, 0)); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { PrioritisedNode currentNode = queue.poll(); for (Node neighbour : getNeighbours(currentNode.node)) { int newDistance = distances.get(currentNode.node) + getSmallestWeight(currentNode.node, neighbour); if (newDistance < distances.get(neighbour)) { distances.put(neighbour, newDistance); queue.add(new PrioritisedNode(neighbour, newDistance)); } } } return distances; } private class PrioritisedNode implements Comparable { final Node node; final int priority; PrioritisedNode(Node node, int priority) { this.node = node; this.priority = priority; } public int compareTo(PrioritisedNode other) { return, other.priority); } } private class Edge { private final Node from; private final Node to; private final int weight; Edge(Node from, Node to, int weight) { this.from = from; = to; this.weight = weight; } Node getFrom() { return from; } Node getTo() { return to; } int getWeight() { return weight; } public String toString() { return from + "->" + to + " " + weight; } } }