require 'json' require 'open-uri' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' options = {} parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: vsco-dl.rb [options] username" opts.on "-m", "--[no-]metadata", "Save metadata" do |m| options[:metadata] = m end opts.on "-oOUTPUT", "--output=output", "Where to save the files (default is cwd)" do |o| options[:output] = o end opts.on "-w", "--[no-]overwrite", "Overwrite previously downloaded files" do |w| options[:overwrite] = w end end parser.parse! user = ARGV[0] if user.nil? $stderr.puts "Error: Username is required." $stderr.puts parser exit 1 end print "Loading initial data" # this is v gross, but they probably do it like this on purpose initial = open "{user}/images/1" vs = /vs=(\S*);/.match(initial.meta['set-cookie']).captures[0] siteId = JSON.parse(/window.VSCOVARS.SiteSettings = ({.*})/.match([0])['id'] # vsco seems to timeout on requests for very large amounts of images # it also doesn't send the actual total amount of images in requests # total will either be the real total or page * size + 1, which means # there's at least one more page of images to be requested (or more) page = 1 size = 1000 images = [] loop do response = JSON.load open "{vs}/2.0/medias?site_id=#{siteId}&page=#{page}&size=#{size}", 'Cookie' => "vs=#{vs};" total = response['total'] images.concat response['media'] break if total <= page * size page += 1 end puts " ...done!" path = user path = File.join options[:output], user unless options[:output].nil? FileUtils.mkdir_p path unless File.exist? path images.each_with_index do |r, i| print "Image #{i + 1} of #{images.length}\r" file_path = File.join path, "#{r['upload_date']}" if options[:metadata] json_path = "#{file_path}.json" if options[:overwrite] or not File.exist? json_path json_path, 'w' do |file| file.write JSON.pretty_generate r end end end image_url = r['is_video'] ? r['video_url'] : r['responsive_url'] image_path = "#{file_path}#{File.extname image_url}" if options[:overwrite] or not File.exist? image_path open "https://#{image_url}" do |f| image_path, 'wb' do |file| file.write end end end if (i + 1) == images.length puts "Image #{i + 1} of #{images.length} ...done!" end end