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2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00
package cyberman::Auth;
use Dancer2 appname => "cyberman";
use Dancer2::Plugin::Database;
use URI::Escape;
2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00
use cyberman::Helper;
# This file: auth-related routes (register, login, logout)
# Hooks and helper functions for authentication are in
post '/register' => sub {
2017-08-20 00:45:25 +02:00
my %errs;
for my $param ("password", "password2", "email") {
if (!param($param)) {
$errs{"e_no_$param"} = 1;
my $result = database->quick_select(
"email" => param("email"),
if ($result) {
$errs{"e_email_exists"} = 1;
if (!exists $errs{"e_no_password"} || !exists $errs{"e_no_password2"}) {
if (param("password") ne param("password2")) {
$errs{"e_pass_match"} = 1;
if (length param("password") < 8) {
$errs{"e_pass_len"} = 1;
if (scalar(keys(%errs)) != 0) {
return template 'register' => {
error => 1,
my ($hash, $salt) = hash_password(param("password"));
my $conftoken = randstring(16);
# Create the account in the database
"email" => param("email"),
"password" => $hash,
"salt" => $salt,
"conftoken" => $conftoken,
# Send email
my $email = template 'email/registration' => {
"link" => config->{"mail"}->{"baseurl"} . "/confirm_new?e=" . uri_escape(param "email") . "&t=$conftoken",
"layout" => undef,
send_email(param("email"), $email);
template 'login' => {
account_created => 1,
2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00
post '/login' => sub {
2017-08-20 00:45:25 +02:00
my %errs;
my $user = database->quick_select(
"email" => param("email"),
if (!$user) {
$errs{"e_no_user"} = 1;
if (scalar(keys(%errs)) == 0) {
my ($hash, $salt) = hash_password(param("password"), $user->{"salt"});
$errs{"e_pass"} = 1 unless $hash eq $user->{"password"};
if (scalar(keys(%errs)) == 0) {
$errs{"e_not_confirmed"} = 1 unless $user->{"active"};
if (scalar(keys(%errs)) != 0) {
return template 'login' => {
error => 1,
# checks finished, we can create a session now
my $token = randstring(32);
"token" => $token,
"uid" => $user->{"id"},
"since" => time,
cookie id => $user->{"id"}, http_only => 1;
cookie token => $token, http_only => 1;
template 'redir' => {
"redir" => "domains",
2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00
get '/confirm_new' => sub {
2017-08-20 00:45:25 +02:00
my $user = database->quick_select(
"email" => param("e"),
"conftoken" => param("t"),
if (!$user) {
return "No such user/token!";
"id" => $user->{"id"},
"active" => 1,
template 'confirmed';
2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00
post '/logout' => sub {
2017-08-20 00:45:25 +02:00
cookie 'id' => undef;
cookie 'token' => undef;
template 'redir' => {
"redir" => "index",
2017-07-17 09:55:50 +02:00